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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


But it was the way the characters hand was positioned! No commentary, just a picture in a trailer for a cutesy game

The response is ridiculous, but not surprising


I know this to be true because any company that has a name that irrationally pisses me off is a sure sign of longevity. Tencent is a perfect example, ByteDance is another.

Both companies can fuck all the way off 👋 (but most assuredly will not… If they ever should one day, think of me – I’ll be in a champagne supernova in the sky)

Weird! 🤷‍♂️ Do they watch the twitch stream when their game is loading?

Can’t blame em for trying i guess, I’m just salty cuz i loved that franchise back in the day. Might be fun though, if it’s done right

I think there’s a couple things at play:

  • You know enough to find a different app and make it do what you need it to. Not a hard thing, but something many non-tech savvy people could struggle with, or more likely–

  • People often will just use what’s there. We know we have options, we are aware of the privacy concerns… but many people simply aren’t and/or don’t care enough to do anything about it.

We spend a lot of time here, so it seems to us like second nature to avoid intrusive apps… I find in my day-to-day life not many people are talking about that kind of stuff, or don’t have much knowledge/experience in that realm. (I realize that is anecdotal).

I 100% agree with your statements–just trying to rationalize how so many people end up using/staying with these ever-worsening services/apps…

Can you suggest other sites that don’t come with that baggage but still curate worthwhile content?

From what i gather, they waited until after the reviews were in. They got a good score, which i guess would have been impacted by the inclusion of microtransactions, and released them after the reviews were in. Sounds like they were trying to avoid the bad press they would have gotten for including them (or perhaps purchases even, from people starkly against the practice)

Why would I spend $70 to borrow something they probably won’t finish making before release?

So that you can hang around and wait for the talent in the community to fix it and make it at least closer to a game worth $70

Seems more to do with the way things line up–it’s a perfect example of a physical and digital game getting permanently shut down without any sort of refund or compensation to the buyers of the game. It sounds like it’s about setting precedent so people will have a better idea of how this kinda stuff is going to work in the future.

For real! I was like, “oh, they probably got some emails and calls that were a bit abrasive”

Wow, was I wrong!! Not only are these executives some real snowflakes, but they’re also psychopaths. Shit, i hope they don’t read this message, lest a fetal pig be delivered to my door 👀

I swear to god, every time i hear about conservatives getting upset about gay and trans rights I’m more convinced it’s projection. They want to have the freedom to follow their own preferences but have been taught by someone in their family and/or society that certain preferences are completely unacceptable. Rather than go against the grain, they lean into the hate side of it. “If i can’t have that, you sure as hell can’t–and if you do, you’re gonna pay dearly” seems to be the philosophy. All this because they want to explore their sexuality but they decided the social price is too much. Not allowed to have what they crave, now they just scorn those that are brave enough to face the storm they themselves avoided…or they just hate people having freedom. Probably both.