Sure, just like the “leakers” guessed it would come out last year, and the year before that, and the year before that… don’t worry, just keep moving that goalpost, you’ll get it right one day.
Yeah, this time the “leaks” are “different”, just like they were “different” last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and…
I will leave a negative review on any game without full keybind support.
Maybe one day devs (especially Japanese ones) will understand that this is the bare MINIMUM for accessibility.
You should never write a single line of code at any point in the development of a game that involves hard-coding a key input.
Some games don’t even have fucking KEYBINDS, which the most basic of accessibility features.
This will only change when stores (like Steam) start cataloguing these types of features and letting people setup default filters to hide all games without them.
The users have to make them hear that releasing any game without basic accessibility options is unacceptable. This will only happen when the majority is pushing for it, not just those that need the options.
Until then, make sure you leave a negative review and get a refund when you see this kind of thing, even if the game is otherwise good. Pirate the game instead if you still want to play it anyway. They have to be told that this is unacceptable.
I just used it in the US last month, it definitely is.