friendly neighborhood admin, possibly a sentient lifeform… likes pizza and beer.
professional pixie wrangler and rf magician
Mbin contributor and maintainer, aka nobodyatroot on GitHub.
another thing with the iPhone/Apple ecosystem is everyone having roughly the same experience for a given generation… the android platform is a wild west of varying degrees of hardware performance and capabilities. take a cheap ass carrier branded phone vs. an S23 ultra… both are running the same underlying android OS, but the carrier phone is going to be a barebones platform barely capable of running anything other than the OS… and then you factor in how well the manufacturer integrated their crapware on top of android, people willingly pay the Apple tax for a reason. personally, i’d never give up my s23u for an iPhone, but i’m also not Apple’s target demographic.
hell yea! and peter fucking weller too, the only robocop in my book. it may not be the best looking game, but that alone sells it for me.