my workaround for glucose watch monitoring is an android app called gluroo. if you’re using an app that sends your glucose data to a server gluroo pulls that data from the server and displays it on your watch as a specific watchface so the info that’s displayed is as accurate as the sensor you’re currently using. the downside is that gluroo can’t pull directly from whatever app you happen to be using, so going to an area with no data service at all will show no stats even though your phone is right there.
since a lot of functionality at my job that doesn’t require me to physically be in the office can be done on a web browser I use my tablet as a work computer if the office is occupied. before this year I used my smartwatch as a phone monitor because even vibrating I can’t feel my phone ringing in my pocket or vibrate for text messages. and it was literally vitally important that I be available 24/7. these days I no longer need to be constantly available but I now have to monitor my glucose levels so I found a watchface and corresponding phone app to send that information to my phone.
tablets and watches still have a place for a lot of people.
it is.
I had been using samsung devices and lg devices for quite a bit and I could send audio to two bluetooth devices with the note 8. I had always carried two devices, my other device was the a32. I had thought it was something that was a normal thing. then I upgraded to an xperia 1 III. a while later I then tried to send audio to two different speakers. I first connected to one of my speakers and then tried to connect to another one at work. it did connect, but it disconnected from my speaker. looking around I find out that it was a pretty much samsung only thing. opening up the ability to all android devices is a good thing.
I still have my note 9. i have 2 other devices that are my dailies so it’s in semi retirement as a nightstand clock. I haven’t had a need to do stuff with it since for all intent and purposes it’s a clock now but I may give lineage a try since I probably won’t do anything else with it.
the only reason I haven’t rooted it is because I had heard rooting breaks nfc payments. I’m trying not to pull my physical wallet out if I can help it and payment is important to me otherwise it would have been done long before now.
there are a bunch of apps that I downloaded from amazon that were paid AND also were apps they were giving away for free. so what are they going to do about maintaining their functionality, because unless they do something the only other alternative that I see are on the high seas.