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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


I agree it would have been a classic without the mods. What I’m saying is it’s better than a lot of other classics, as a gaming experience, because of the mods.

Skyrim is a classic game, and there are always going to people playing it, like there will always be people playing Half Life 2, Mario and Tetris. But I think what makes Skyrim stand out is that it’s still exciting a decade later because it’s still changing and improving. Amazing groups of people are dragging that game into every new generation and changing it in every way imaginable. It has infinite replay value. So it has the draw of just being a great vanilla game but also the benefit of mods. It’s safe to say it wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular today without the huge library of mods.

But it holds up thanks to the mods that are available for it now. Mods which are all developed by not-Bethesda. Vanilla Skyrim doesn’t hold up in 2024, modded Skyrim does.

I tried binding in Steam but the controller settings in Steam are kind of terrible too. Half the time I don’t know what a setting does, and I feel like I need to do a training course to understand it. So I gave up and went back to Elite.

I couldn’t find a way to bind a double press in X4, so hold RB and tap X for example. These combinations are essential because there is no other way to use a controller to perform all of the necessary controls. It’s a shame because I would have invested a lot into the game if that was surmountable.

Has nobody mentioned Barotrauma? Had a few hundred hours of fun with this, my buddy and I. Especially if you don’t mind shit being not very shiny. It is unique, and it keeps on giving.