• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 26, 2023


After I switched to gesture based navigation, I haven’t found a third party launcher that works seamlessly with it.

Does it call google servers or is it proxied like piped?

I don’t get it, what’s the point in having removable back, screws, screwdrivers if you cannot remove and replace the parts.

I am in Canada, from where did you import it?

Yes profiles are system level, but there are certain launchers such as Lunar luncher that don’t show any work related apps.

Does nothing launcher support work profile?
Basically the question. I use work profile (created with [shelter](https://f-droid.org/packages/net.typeblog.shelter/)). The stock android launcher supports this personal/work separation. But I want to know whether nothing phone launcher support this feature. I know you can install a third party launcher like lawnchair for this. But with these 3rd party launchers the gesture support is really bad.

You can do it on motorola phones using Multi Volume.

Try motorola for a change. Their regular phones are very good. Next to no bloatware. Have a foldable razr lineup if you want. The only sad thing is their lack of updates.

My advice would be to stay away from smsung

Find cheap gas? One secret america dont want people to know.

Don’t buy S22. Speaking from experience. Single update messed up the whole thing up.

How much should you spend on a smartphone
In the current spectrum, how much should one spend to get the best value? I know everyone has a different taste and budget. But analysing the current trend of smartphone culture could give a bit of insight into spending wisely.

Used the S21 and now Motorola Edge. The amount of samsung crap pre installed on S21 was nuts. Also motorola dont fuck you over updates, since there rarely are any.