• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Who’s your favorite person that plays thru games on YouTube?
Edit: particularly Nintendo haha I think itscalled a Lets play or something

I’ll never understand why we just can’t do the exact same things as Republicans do thats within the letter of the law (hopefully spirit-ish but letter is the main concern)

Illegal migrants employed? Texas bounty

Illegal guns possession or production? Texas bounty

Abuse of religious tax exemption or religious political activism? Texas bounty

Seperation of church and state violations? Texas bounty

Get the direct witnesses to trash some scratch for the trouble and watch the streets clean themselves

Is there a way to get reminded when there’s more replies?

Its a great feature but I’ll do you one better (or orthogonal):

There are apps that let you set block ranges so when you get a million calls from variations of something like 1-876-543-2109, you can block all of them with basically whatever granularity you need 1+ digits) It should be built in but you have to buy it for like $3-4, but absolutely worth it

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

Yeah, like anyone can specc out a beast of a machine to compensate for poor build quality and othet qulity of life stuff but I just value a more coherent and organic total package. Also aesthetically, I value that as well since I don’t have any need for a beast. M1 seems toget the job done no matter what I throw at it.

But I get your point

I would buy an Acer before I got anywhere near anything by HP. I don’t Envy their product people

Really? You roll over that fast?

Edit: why don’t you just cut out the middlemen and use Kagi or Brave?

Nah bro, all the good ones like Brave and Kagi and DDG don’t have stupid ads and they have many more niceties. Isn’t it true that G often ignores search operators?

Search is the easiest to replace. You can, like, replace it by googling superior alternatives like Brave, Kagi, DuckDuckGo, Searx etc


  • An informal conversation
  • (psychiatry) a plausible but imagined memory that fills in gaps in what is remembered

Like there’s no perfect analogy but I am partial to this characterization, I dunno.

Discuss aha

Edit: I really hope I’m not the originator of this, don’t need that in my life right now. It just seems to fit better imao


I think this is a better term for it

Edit: ChatGPT == Trump[consummate bullshitter]? I feel like its “intentions” or “programming” are slightly above that but maybe not…

Edit: its interesting how a program can be written that basically replicates Trump’s speech patterns in a replicable and recognizeable way. Where did Trump derive his speech pattern? Like, I know he reads Hitler speeches on his nightstand but is it only Hitler that informs his parole (individual speech patterns)?

Has anybody printed Wikipedia? It would be fun to have a non-ant-sized “binder” that you could turn or run through to dust yourself off

This is gonna be amazing, i get the popcorn, they get the chum

Incredibly elaborate and provocative reply, fellow underscorer