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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Didn’t they block the Shift-F10 workaround in 24H2?

What’s the alternative? Buying Chromebooks and creating a generation of Google drones?

I remember a while ago Motorola (before Google acquisition) came out with a phone that had a nearly indestructible screen. in the video they were throwing it off a roof, hitting it with a hammer, crushing it with a car, and all it had was a couple of dings. Haven’t heard a peep since then. What happened to that technology?

Apple would rather maintain a completely different version of its operating systems for Europe…

Next time some apple fanboi tells me how Android is fragmented I’m gonna laugh in their face.

WTH… I must have blinked and missed the Nazi thing. Could you elaborate please?

I run Navidrome in Docker on my UnRaid server and I access it via nginx reverse proxy.

I’ve learned the hard way to never use a new Google product, no matter how good they make it look.

When they killed Google Reader it was rough, and I only recently started getting back into rss feeds after setting up a self-hosted FreshRSS instance. After spending over a year convincing most of my extended family members to switch to Allo from their default SMS app for texting, it was a real gut punch when Google rugpulled it within several months of them really getting into it. They tried really hard to get me off Hangouts into Duo for calling, but I resisted all the way until they killed Hangouts too. Play Music was an excellent streaming service with a good library and I was happy subscriber. They also spoiled me with the “Free Song of the Day/Week” promos. The YouTube Music app to this day doesn’t have half the features Play Music app used to have. The Stadia fiasco wasn’t too bad because I got full refunds for all the controllers and games I bought on it.

It’s no longer a mystery which services they want to ditch. Basically anything that doesn’t make them a ton of money directly with paid subscriptions will be on the chopping block sooner or later. Even the ad-supported stuff is there only to annoy us into the paid tiers. I weep for the time they will eventually kill off Google Voice for good, or enshittify the free tiers of things like Photos, Gmail, Android, Classroom, Calendar, etc.

For me personally though, the biggest punch in the gut was when they killed Cloud Print in the middle of the fucking pandemic lockdowns, when my kids who were both doing school remotely needed to print a metric shit-ton of stuff. Worst of all, there was no warning about this, just a blurb on the cloud print site that nobody ever visited after the initial printer setup.

This latest “fuck you” was the last straw for me to begin degoogling my life. They made the web hosting decision easy for me when they sold Google Domains to Squarespace. My photos are now backed up to a self-hosted Synology Moments instead of Google Photos. I threw away the OnHub and replaced it with TP-Link Omada access points with a self-hosted Omada Software Controller. When they killed both Duo and Hangouts, I finally set up a self-hosted Jitsi server for video calling. I’m slowly replacing the digital content that I’ve bought over the years on their various services (e.g. Play Books, Play Music) with “archived” (wink-wink) DRM-free versions that I self-host (Readarr/AudioAnchor, Navidrome/DSub). The only three of their services that I can’t seem to kick are Gmail, YouTube, and Android. Email will happen eventually, for my phone GrapheneOS sounds better and better every day, but nothing can beat the content library they’ve built up on YT.

Gods have mercy on your soul if the selected text handle appeared near the screen edge and you need to adjust the selection. If you’re using gesture navigation, 4 out of 5 times it will think you’re trying to navigate away. Goodbye all the text!

They are talking about replacing TV and movie writers, nurses and doctors for initial medical diagnosis, programmers for application development, paralegals for research,etc.

They will get rid of all human employees and drive their companies into the ground before they realize ML is supposed to supplement jobs, not take them over completely.

The problem is that CEOs across all kinds of industries are having raging boners at the thought of using these glorified predictive text apps to replace their entire workforce.

Why though? I’ll never understand this. Wasn’t Instagram already doing the same thing?

Maybe I’m too old. Get off my lawn!