pls remind me not to be so mean
Set your DNS to AdGuard servers. Downloads the Mull Browser from F-Droid with the uBlockOrigin addon, so you can browse the internet without ads. Download a Firewall: Netguard is recommended. Apps that don’t have internet can’t load ads.
If you have root: Firewall: AfWall+ Also, use the app “App Manager” from F-Droid to disable all app components that have “ad” in their name.
With this multi-layer approach you’ll deal with 99.99% of ads
There’s some seriously cool things you can do with Shizuku and adb:
A really good list for things to do with it is
It depends on what method you use. If you just need a temporary shell as root to fully uninstall system apps, try out a temporary root method like mtk-su.
If that doesn’t work, you can use SnoopSnitch to check your Android security patch level and see if there’s any “Privilege Escalation” exploit that you can take advantage of.
For device-specific details I recommend you to checkout the XDA forum for your device
Lookup “Kustom Lock”