Random nerd who has an interest in computers, privacy, AI, videogames, and CDs. I also like dogs and horses.

Mastodon: https://mastodon.nl/@Cambion

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


TPM on my motherboard is forever disabled

If that’s just to stop W11 that’s stupid. TPM chips are security related. Disabling them has some serious drawbacks.

Now there are discussion on if you’d even want a TPM chip or not, and if you choose not to use it for such reasons it may be a well thought out decision. Then you won’t hear me complain. But to trow out security components just to prevent an update, without looking at the possible consequences, is stupid. There are better ways to prevent that anyways.

Funny. My grandpa has been using Thunderbird and Libre Office for years, and he never realised it until recently (and he uses it a lot). He recently had an issue for the first time and asked me as he was trying to fix it with Microsoft but didn’t get anywhere, and I had to break the news to him it wasn’t their product.

I’m not the one who set it up for him btw. But whoever did so made it look as much as to make it easier for him to switch. Which worked as he had no clue and thought he got some free version or so.

I do also use it, but my setup isn’t Microsoft-like per se. I’m rather happy with it tho.

I also heared that bit about the secret service owning nodes a few years ago. It was trough a teacher that’s also really in the stuff outside of teaching, and has a network of non-teaching proffesionals in the field.

It’s something to keep in mind, at the very least. Tor already has some weaknesses anyways. You shouldn’t trust it blindly just because it’s Tor. If anything, I think it more has a false rep for how strong it is over struggling with a stigma.

Ah yes, poor Elon is too poor to pay his bills. And Google must have suddenly increased the prices, it’s not like they have contracts to adhere to regarding those kinda things.