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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I don’t care about bloating. But it would be sending even more of my data to their servers, using AI as an excuse.

Let’s go further. Let’s have worker-owned everything.

Worker-owned factories, stores, restaurants, etc. Worker-owned government!

Let’s cut out the people that do not work but take 90% of the revenue.

Just because CO announced, a few days early, that they were releasing an unoptimized mess, shouldn’t people complain about it being an unoptimized mess?

We should never think it’s okay for companies to release underdeveloped, unfinished games.

They’re the ones that make the games!

If it was me talking about Pikachu games, I could talk about chance. But them? They decide if there will be a new game or not.

Making games is always complicated. If you “release and forget” people complain. If you keep supporting a game for a decade people complain.

To be honest, I’d prefer for them to keep expanding a game I like. That’s what kept me playing SC1 for the past 65 years (or however long it has been since the game has been released).

But in this case it seems the money goes to Israel, so it’s the equivalent of a box collecting money to KILL children.*

*only children of the “wrong” skin color and religion, obviously.

If playing a game is fun I’ll have fun. If playing it is not fun, I’ll not have fun.

I don’t take grading systems in consideration. Just like the color of the protagonist’s shirt doesn’t affect my fun.

I’ve never seen any social commentary content from them. I haven’t watched everything they do, but can’t be that common if I haven’t seen it yet.

You’re thinking of technically taking the decisions in the company. But shareholders can do much more. Like influencing the value of stocks by selling too many at once.

If we don’t get together and destroy capitalism itself, we WILL get another Unity every few years.

Your comment doesn’t make sense. There’s no relation between a grid and standing out in the open. With free movement, if you order the character to finish their movement in the open, they’re going to be out in the open.

And I also don’t see the relation between grids and “sliding”.

If there’s no label, the option to not ignore it isn’t even there.

If you guys are really in favor of adults being able to make their own informed decisions, hiding important warnings is not the way to go. Or maybe you just want to complain, like many other people.

Make up your mind.

Late to the party? Wasn’t the game released a few days ago?

Doesn’t that mean that for you the wait is even longer?

You’re not getting it on release date like most people, you’ll get it at least a year later.

I don’t know if something that oppressive is going to be true in many countries.

Maybe only in oppressive countries like China and the US, and a few others.

I don’t know if you’re kidding, but that would be a very weird law.

It hasn’t been announced yet. Up to this point, everyone is just guessing.

I don’t know why people ask this about games all the time. I don’t think there’s more than a couple games (considering decades of games) where you need to play a previous one to enjoy the latest entry in a franchise.

Are women being hidden in real football because they have to play in a seperate league?

Yes. They’re relegated to a separate league, where they earn infinitely less money, don’t have enough prestige and fame. There’s been complaints about that for years and years. Probably from before you were even born.

It’s a much easier problem to fix in a game than it is to fix in real life. But when a company tries to change it in the game, there comes the snowflakes to start crying. “I’m being forced to see a woman!”

In a separate place, where you could pretend that women doesn’t exist. Now that people have to see them, fragile men start crying about realism or whatever excuse they can think of to force EA to hide women again. And that when, again, nobody cared about realism when you could have dead players in your team.

Realism is just the fake rationalization because it would be very bad to say “it’s because I hate women”. Some of the snowflakes crying about that haven’t even realized yet that they hate women.

But it’s not different (at all) from what’s happening this week, where youtube channels that are showing the women’s soccer games are receiving lots of misoginistic comments.

Pretend that women don’t exist and that you’re seeing long-haired men, if a fake character’s sex is that important to you.

But I’m pretty sure this is one of those cases where the simulation is not the real reason at all. It’s just an ingrained prejudice against women. No one is complaining that dead characters being in there ruins the simulation.

I really like the idea of different levels of density. Just having low and high density forced everything into one of two extremes.

Yes. The problem is that if memes are allowed, any community becomes 90% memes or more.

I can already find a trillion worthless memes anywhere else. There’s no need to bury useful content under all that noise here.