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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Great! So I can’t use a hitbox on street fighter or my choice of racing/flight sim rig in games that aren’t first person shooters because of a problem that affects a genre I’m not even playing.

What a great solution that’s not far-reaching, extremely heavy handed, and has a great potential for Microsoft to milk customers and small businesses alike! /s

A lot of devices are just adapters to allow you to play fighting, racing sim, flight sim, rhythm games with controllers from other platforms because these niche genres are even smaller on Xbox and go completely ignored by large accessories companies.

That’s not going to change once these devices are blocked. It’s a very heavy handed (and potentially lucrative) approach to stopping FPS cheaters.

They were making strides with the FGC getting SF6 and adding Guilty Gear Strive to Gamepass and then do this. Makes no sense.

The opposite end of the spectrum are people who feel they need to set everything at Ultra. I found that’s as unnecessary as Steam Deck users setting everything to low. You can often drop settings to high or medium without significant hit to fidelity.

The small 800p screen of the Steam Deck allows for more unnoticeable concessions on top of that.

And even with all that, if you can’t hit 60fps, 40fps at 40Hz refresh feels much better and smoother than 30 and allows for more flexibility on settings.

At the end of the day, I’ll take a smooth consistent 30 over unstable 40 or 60. But I won’t bother if I also have to do so at the lowest settings. So far, I haven’t run into anything so demanding I have to compromise both significant fidelity and frame rate.

I get people don’t like to tweak everything and just want to play. Totally fair. But the Steam Deck is great for it, if you bother.