Instructor, author, developer. Creator of Beej’s Guides.
I copied all my stuff out of drive several months ago and canceled my plan. But I only actually deleted the files a couple months ago, and they actually only got deleted about a month ago. And who knows if actually deleting files on Google does anything. I got to assume it’s all part of the data set at this point.
Edit: my chief regret at this point is that I didn’t write mountains of Star Trek porn fanfiction for their AI to consume.
I’m on the “OK but keep an eye on it” train, here.
Devs need feedback to know how people are using the product, and opt-out tracking is the best way to do it. In this case, it seems like my personal data is completely unidentifiable.
I was coding in the IE6 era, so I’d really prefer to not end up in a browser engine monoculture again.
Gmail’s easiest to replace if you have your own domain. I moved mine a couple years ago with no issues at all.
There are still various ways to watch YT ad-free and tracking-free. (And you can pay the creators directly on Patreon or through another service, and watch the videos ad-free on Patron. I pay a little more on Patreon than I was paying for YT Premium, but not much more, and I’m happier the creators are getting bigger cut and Google is getting no cut.)
I use FF basically exclusively except for the rare time a site doesn’t work with it. It was also an easy change. Google does degrade their stuff (whether or purpose or through ineptitude) but there are other options for the other main Google services, as well.
The only things I have left on there are photos, contacts, and calendars. Photos will probably be the next to go.
Holy cow, this sounds like a moderation nightmare–glad I don’t have to do it! There’s no way you’re going to get through it without someone complaining about it.
In my mind, this is definitely something that individuals should address with blocks and filters. If those filters don’t exist, they should be written.
I think it’s just a different beast. He writes:
It’s perhaps not the greatest at finding what you already knew was there. Instead it is designed to help you find some things you didn’t even know you were looking for.
If you are looking for facts you can trust, this is almost certainly the wrong tool. If you are looking for serendipity, you’re on the right track. When was the last time you just stumbled onto something interesting, by the way?
I was taught obsolete things in college in the early 90s. But FORTRAN wasn’t the useful part of the class–problem-solving and broader language exposure was.
People focus on random technologies that are being used in class as being obsolete, but that’s not the point of college. You can learn technologies on your own, and if you have trouble with that, maybe practicing it in college is a good idea.
Basically we’re going to drill on technology-agnostic fundamentals for 4 years, and use a wide variety of technologies and languages as vehicles for that so you get a good breadth of experience.
Seems like three issues.
Downloading a pirated copy of the work. Pretty clear cut that this is illegal.
Feeding a work into an algorithm. This seems to me like it should be legal. Making it illegal looks like it would open an incredibly shitty can of worms.
Generating and distributing a partial copy of a copyrighted work. (“The AI just spat out three paragraphs of my text nearly verbatim!”) It’s unclear if this is even happening.