I’m a just a small town AAA graphics programmer in Chicago. I worked on Gears 5 and Gears Tactics. My work is secret, but my personal projects are not.

I like to post about my personal research, various side projects, and I like to think out loud a lot. Expect weird humor, esoteric ramblings, and occasionally also art I made out of math. I like implicit surface modeling the normal amount. Amateur spoonie. 🏳️‍⚧️

Curses are just blessings with caveats.

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Joined 7Y ago
Cake day: Nov 14, 2017


@Splatterphace @HornofBalance naw it’s probably fine. “Zelda Online” got a cease and desist back in the day, but they were able to keep going after doing a paint over on all their sprites and tile sets and renaming the game to “Graal Online”. It was still very obviously a Link To The Past clone after the paint over, but they never got shut down for it. Horn of Balance’s art is much more divergent.