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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 19, 2023


I’m approaching that, but I have to admit I take my time and revisit towns a lot.

I’ve only gone to a dozen dungeons so far that were hand-crafted. There were literally hundreds of them in Skyrim. I’d love to get real numbers.

So far, I am enjoying the hell out of the game, if my lack of twitch reflexes is hurting that a lot. I keep having to juggle between ship upgrades (my Mantis keeps dying to small fleets more than 10 levels lower than me) and face-to-face. Usually by now in other Bethesda games, dying is rare. I’m too stubborn to drop the difficulty, though, so I suppose that’s on me.

There’s a pirate fleet in orbit around the planet I want to build my first output. Last 5 times I tried to go there, fleet keeps showing up and killing me. That’s somewhat annoying.

I had agoraphobia growing up. I know exactly what it is. And I had moments of it exploring the planets. I found myself hugging to keep buildings in range and not wanting to stray out into the great wide open. For some odd reason, I got more of that in Starfield than in NMS.

I’m also still fairly early into the game, so perhaps I’ll spend more time indoors than I have so far.

EDIT, also, it kinda is the opposite of claustrophobia in some ways. There are some overlaps and nuances (both fears sometimes include fear of crowds). I had a grandparent with really bad claustrophobia who never used an elevator in her life. Ironically, we could relate on a lot. But they were still opposite issues.

So far, Starfield is exactly like Skyrim in space to me. There’s as many carefully crafted cities, and quite a few carefully crafted locales. There’s just a lot more space in Starfield (estimated about 500x more. Skyrim is 15sq miles, and those 1000 planets are each a couple square miles ingame). Sounds like there may be less hand-crafted content in Starfield than Skyrim, but that’s hard to tell.

I’m definitely not finding Starfield to be claustrophic. On the contrary, a bit agoraphobic.

Huh. It seems dramatically different. I watched some solo of it and it’s not drawing me in like Spy Party did. I think the simplicity is part of what I liked about it. Deceive looks like it regularly devolves into little shoot-and-run matches. An FPS with a spy gimmick (which is cool, but I hate FPS games)

For real! One thing I realized pretty quickly is that Spy Party is so much more fun if you prefer to play “more casual” instead of “more hardcore” and have the friends to suit.

I’m terrible. My buddy I play it with is slightly better than me. We have a blast. About all the skill increase I foresee is me learning to be less crazy on the trigger as sniper. After that, I’ll never watch 16 civilians enough to know how far each is towards a win.

A Hidden Gem - Spy Party
I've noticed this one seems to be chilling (lobby emptyish), so I would love to pipe it up to people who might not know about it. I've been obsessed with Spy Party recently. It's this casual-not-casual 1v1 strategy game where one person plays a spy trying to complete innocuous missions at a crowdy cocktail party while the other player is a sniper trying to catch them in the act and shoot them. And the whole game runs just 3-4 minutes. The spy wins if they finish their missions or the sniper kills an innocent, and the sniper wins if the spy fails or they catch them redhanded and fire their ONE bullet. Dev has basically stopped, but the game is pretty much complete. What a blast. You probably want to make sure you have a friend to play with in case the lobby is sleepy (there's usually one or two people inviting me to a game immediately when I join, but mostly because they're chilling alone waiting for a join). A buddy of mine and I keep going back to it over a bunch of other games because it's so damn addictive.