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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2024


I finally got into No man’s sky and I’m happy I waited with my first playthrougj until it got good.

There’s a ton of exploration and things to do, I’m still only touching the surface during my expedition. But I’m almost done and can’t wait to get into the full campaign.

Sales are sales. They are like a swarm of locusts, once they had their profit at company x they move onto the next. Often taking the CEO with them. It doesn’t matter if the company suffers.

It’s inherently unsustainable just like the whole ‘maximizing profit grind’. But it creates a fortune for a few people and that’s why it keeps happening.

Didn’t they recently cause a backlash because of scummy dlc tactics? Seems like a dogshit company tbh

This will keep happening too. Because fuck gamers, all they care about is happy shareholders.

Change needs to happen man, I’m tired