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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Calling PP a political org is too obtuse a message to view this response as a simple mistake or miscommunication. Unity is apparently run by conservative hacks and I hope they collapse.

I’ll admit, it came off a bit whiny and Bluetooth hardware is admittedly very accessible these days, but Bluetooth does definitely add additional unnecessary hardware and for a no compromise company like fairphone, it does seem strange they decided to leave out the headphone jack

Bluetooth means a wireless bud/headphone, which means batteries and extra hardware to support Bluetooth and DAC, and an extra cable and charging adapter, and maybe an extra case. When it could all be driven by a simple headphone jack instead.

Id recommend Connect. Very similar feel, at least closest to Relay. Relay used to be my daily driver too

With T-Mobile in the States, usually you’re not paying extra, but you are capped on hotspot data, even if you have an unlimited data plan. Which is still kind of BS

Definitely recommend using one. Don’t have a preference for any particular one, I use Google’s for simplicity sake. But unless you have a complicated system that allows you to have different passwords for every online service (or maybe if you have a great memory) it’s simply more secure to use a password manager. Most sites have emails as logins, and if you reuse the same email/password combination you’re just asking for trouble for when one day one of those sites get hacked, your password is sold, and someone spams your combo across all popular services and somehow ends up in your bank.