UlyssesT [he/him]
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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 09, 2021


It’s even worse when some rage filled manchild posts rage in the chat and then adds the obligatory “gg.”

The hopes, dreams, and aspirations of generations of creative people getting exploited, overworked, and underpaid because they were willing to put up with that all to chase those hopes, dreams, and aspirations, all eventually got crushed in the corpo mill, only to be replaced by the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the next successive wave of creative people, was always working as intended. capitalist-laugh you-are-a-serf

A potential campaign without yet more tiresome “original IP do not steal” underdark/illithid rehashes!

That shit was old and boring to me since the 90s!

That’s my take too, though “overambitious perfectionist” still sounds too flattering for what a bumbling narcissist he is.

He even put himself directly into the fiction’s lore as my-hero but bigger.


Counterpoint: Star Citizen.

I’m not being snarky there. If there are no deadlines and unlimited feature creep, you get Star Citizen. Or rather, you never get Star Citizen except as a janky hyper-monetized pre-alpha.

It’s so blatantly in front of me that I was like a fish not noticing water doomer

90% of all techbro “innovation” is one or more of the following:

“Put it on the cloud!”

“Make it a subscription service!”

“Put it on the blockchain!”

“Add more surveillance!”

The “ironic” part of 4chan’s nazism peeled away like an old dirty sticker over time.

You’re not really a capitalist in a meaningful way. You might cheerlead for it, but that isn’t a means of production no matter what Uber/Lyft might tell you.

Honestly as a capitalist (I know, blasphemy)

Before you congratulate yourself again for internet bravery, do you actually own capital? Do you own the means of production? If not, you’re not a capitalist even if you wave pompoms and otherwise do apologia for capitalism.

there is hope that not everything we use has always been yoked with pure greed

If your basis for believing that is Reddit having one co-owner you liked for one year and that’s the best evidence you got, that isn’t a strong basis.

You can do sophistic tricks like exaggerating other people’s positions to try to make yours seem more tenable so you can mine for supposed exceptions, but the reality remains that capitalism requires increasingly unsustainable profit margins over time for the lifetime of each product and that consequently results in systemic enshittification of things that were previously decent and bearable. That is an inevitable ongoing process in this present system.

then there’s no helping you

That smuglord tone isn’t necessary.

One co-owner being around for one year doesn’t absolve the skullduggery of the other that is still here to the present day, as another poster already mentioned.

Line must go up, even at the risk of line going very down instead. No matter what. stonks-up

Is reddit owned by a malicious entity?

Always has been.

astronaut-2 astronaut-1

As with many things under capitalism, the ongoing mandate is that profits must go up, and must go up at a higher rate no matter what, or investors panic and the price drops steeply which can lead to a collapse. Reddit is just another ravenous profit-seeking vehicle of the same kind and is going into the same “line must go up” death spiral.

One of the first applications that porky-happy will demand is decryption for more surveillance. It’s kind of inevitable.

Two exhaustively long comment chains in this thread so far insist that the problem is not enshittification but not enough passionate and innovative hustlegrinding.

morshupls morshupls

some day you’ll learn that arguing on the Internet doesn’t solve anything

What are you still doing here then, exactly?

You are very important and must continue providing updates about your very important dynamic Vincent Adultman lifestyle where you’re hustlegrinding and on a mission to change the world. congratulations

All I’m saying is you have to change with the world and the world isn’t the Internet

If it’s that simple and that easy, logout logout-lemmy and work those hustlegrindy miracles! Concern trolling people here with your not-apathy sermons about the coolness of apathy is wasting your precious hustlegrindy time! Change the world already!

Or better yet, don’t. Stay here and keep posting about how you’re totally not preaching the virtues of apathy while preaching the virtues of apathy. That’s probably better than any version of improving the world that you in particular have in mind.

So continue. Keep telling me how much you don’t care about not caring while skydiving and doing crossfit while securing the Jones account and selling the rights to your exciting new blockchain-based startup. antelope-popcorn

it doesn’t mention or allude to enshittification

It does, even if you wish it didn’t. Lots of other people felt the same way in the comments even if you don’t like that.

On the other hand, your apathy sermon offers nothing to that person. It’s not just a thought-terminating cliche. It’s clearly failed you as well because you’re still here and you’re still posting.

I’m not apathetic

No shit. Your sermons about how people need to stop caring about things being bad and getting worse definitely rung hollow.

and don’t know where you got that impression friend!!!

Dodge all the labels you like friend but no amount of exclamation marks is making you any less transparent!!!

Almost there! Show how much you care about performative apathy! congratulations

You’re such a very important uncaring hustlegrinder Vincent Adultman doing a business that you’re going to win a last word game! congratulations

Who’s a tryhard?

You are.

You sermonized about how cool apathy is and how people that express frustration with bad things need to go outside, and yet here you are. Still.

Go outside. Be very cool and apathetic there. I look forward to congratulating you in your absence. congratulations

Not enough innovation! Putting passion on the blockchain with a subscription service should take care of that morshupls

Your options are to reduce your reliance on such services or become increasingly mad at the world. I think the former is more attractive.

You’re not doing a very good job at that “not becoming increasingly mad” thing you were sermonizing about.

Because you are not the sum of this site, or of the universe.

Your very cool tryhard apathy performance isn’t new to me or impressive. If you’re so awesome touching grass and ignoring systemic problems, keep doing that away from here. Please.

or become increasingly mad at the world

The solution to things going wrong and getting worse is performative smug apathy. Get schwifty. smuglord

Yes. I didn’t see anything worth commenting on, then or now.

If you want to leave the circus, stop juggling bullshit and find the Great Egress.

There are plenty of open issues

“What about the profitz” is the only one you care about and is not even on my radar.

you have chosen to ignore

Yes, because I continue laughing at the clown even if the clown’s material could use some variety. I’d ask for balloon animals or some unicycle riding but you’d probably demand a subscription service with tracking software and a blockchain token.

but let’s not pretend

Gaslighting language is par for the course for techbro creeps like yourself.


I call you a clown. You called me a chatbot program.

You’re giving me nothing new to work with.

That said, it’s pretty common for techbro cultists like yourself to dehumanize anyone they disagree with and pretend they lack consciousness. hitler-detector

“NO U” only works as a reply if I am doing any of the things that you are doing. I am not.

Get better material or get off the stage, corpo clown.

The implication of that “passion” post was that all innovation is cool and good and no innovation enshittifies the product by making it greedier and worse.

spreading empty phrases

Read the room.

You’ve written hours of empty corporate slogans. No one seems to be interested in buying into it, which is fortunate because your ideology is burning the planet down.

The billionaires will pay for dismantling the police state.

They made the police state and profit from it, you ignorant creep.

If only you would care as much as you pretend to do.

You’re such a deeply invested cultist that you seem to believe “caring” means believing in your cult.

SAD! trump-anguish