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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I’m using Trebuchet (default Lineage launcher) with Launcher30 Lposed module. It’s simple, it’s very stock, no nonsense, just launcher.

Is it even possible to control Android from PC/other device in the same network through webui like accessing 4g mifi control panel
I know it's very specific, lol. But my Samsung S8 is basically just a portabel 4G modem for me now. Since the screen is cracked and I don't want to spend money on that old phone. I usually access the phone to scrcpy, it works but since the screen is unuseable, I can no longer give adb access to another devices. So I just want to know whether is it posible to give it some short of webui that I can access to do basic stuff like turning hotspot on or off, etc.