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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Suffice to say, you have a rough start of it. You’re born into the peasantry. You’re fragile. You can’t fight your way out of a wet cardboard box. I don’t know why this stuck with me in particular, but you’re illiterate. As you progress, life gets easier. Point being, the roleplay necessitates hard as hell combat and lack of QOL stuff.

IDK I’m into swords and horsies. Give it a shot, I’d say.

Absolutely. Portraying a relationship as less meaningful unless there are romantic underpinnings somewhere is weird. It’s just the “checkbox insert” thing cynically insinuates that they like had a gayness quota to fill. Whatever, my point is that it’s undeniably a good game. Check it out if you’re into medieval Europe stuff. You don’t have to play the first one, although you’d be missing out.

It runs so much better than the first KC:D. Good job, Warhorse Studios.

By the by, someone playing the game for an additional 19 hours after giving it a thumbs down on Steam for woke DEI speaks to its quality.

Heartbreaking. I’d listen to this guy’s readings of H.P. Lovecraft while I was working. RIP.