Never was. Do some research next time instead of spreading lies and hate. You’re only making yourself look like a fool.
I’m not making up BS when I mentioned those names. If you want me to spill out the crimes they’ve done, I can. Trump isn’t the only one that is corrupt. Corruption runs deep in the USA from all parties.
Why not? Brave is way better than standard chromium or even ungoogled chromium. Brave Shields is one of the best adblockers I’ve seen. Balances blocking trackers and not breaking websites really well.
And you think you are educated? Dems are not centrists. If you are Dem you likely support LGBT, abortion, marijuana, anti-gun, etc. US has been liberal/left-leaning for the last decade. The average millenial/Gen Z is also very left-leaning and liberal.
You think Leftwing policies will make the world better? We’re already heading towards that and policies have been pretty left for the past decade or so. Is the US becoming any better as a society? Not at all.
Says the one who is actually being manipulated? The establishment and deep state are working with the left to push forward this global agenda. So how are right-wingers the traitors?
I’m sure you love to live in your own bubble. Go outside and experience the real world for once. If you are so blind that you can’t see you’re being manipulated then there’s nothing I can do about that.
Never was. Do some research next time instead of spreading lies and hate. You’re only making yourself look like a fool.
I’m not making up BS when I mentioned those names. If you want me to spill out the crimes they’ve done, I can. Trump isn’t the only one that is corrupt. Corruption runs deep in the USA from all parties.