It’s one thing to regulate foreign corporations and you don’t see me making a case against the EU for regulating Apple or Google. You see me saying this isn’t about data collection like they say, it’s about preserving US power in the software space. The US is completely within it’s rights to block TikTok but you don’t need to lie to me and say it’s for security. The servers are located in the US, there’s no real evidence China has done anything illegal and if Google did the same thing and sold the data to China it would be fine. This whole issue is a bunch of individuals sucking on billionaire tech giant toes.
In capitalism as long as there isn’t a way to keep wealth from passing down each generation it is effectively just like nobles. I don’t see much of a difference between the two if both are systems of inheriting massive land or assets that allow you to exploit the lower classes to perpetuate your status.
It’s meant to be an evolution of feudalism as the people creating capitalism are effectively the remnants of power from feudal society. There could be absolutely no industry and it would still be the system the non-royal but powerful would select.
Look at the transition from the articles of confederation to the US constitution and the focus on the creation of currency in article 1. The “rights” people talk about were pushed for by the opposition to the constitution. The US constitution created effectively a capitalist version of the British empire and is analogous to the house of commons/lords/king. There was no term for the presidency, it could be for life and federal senators weren’t even voted for.
I’d argue it’s effectively just an iteration of feudalism.
I’m just wondering what the hell they’re expecting to teach this AI off Reddit user data. Reddit has been scraped for years and most of what could have been learned has already been used I’d assume.
Reddit has been more and more video based lately and it feels to me like it is becoming a less algorithmic version of TikTok.
Amazon is so damn big that they could sell the service for OnlyTwitch via Amazon. Amazon sells loads of sex toys and adult products so they just sell a virtual balance card that you redeem on OnlyTwitch. OnlyTwitch itself could be effectively a business that doesn’t have to manage payments at all and just uses balance.
I mean. Literally, literally means figuratively now. People look at DVDs and say they’re not a digital copy when they are written digitally. Words are fluid and contextual so to throw out half a phrase is to throw out the ability to understand it.
Property is a system of rights that gives people legal control of valuable things,[1] and also refers to the valuable things themselves. -Property Wiki
An intellectual property would then logically follow it is a valuable thing or idea that is then legally controlled.
It’s not exclusively an iMessage problem, you’re right but it is for teenagers. This is probably the weakest point of my position but teenagers in my experience don’t peer pressure over tech specs but off obvious shit. iMessage directly shows you who is a green bubble or blue and who is going to send you compressed as hell videos and shit because of it.
Apple deliberately created a distinction of their own making with iMessage by making the bubbles different colors and refusing to support features to improve green bubbles for over a decade now. But the people who are razzing and peer pressuring aren’t exactly going to understand that iMessage wasn’t special tech or anything. RCS was out three years in advance to iMessage and all Apple had to do was allow it on iPhones.
Now outside of teenagers I have never really seen someone pressure people to have an iPhone. It’s a really childish thing to do because they’re really the same damn thing for the most part.
It’s really not the network effect.
iMessage is deliberately used as a “buy an iPhone or else”. Imagine if Google refused to show search results, emails, or DNS traffic for Apple and we just said it’s because people are tribal or some shit.
Apple needs to open up iMessage or adopt RCS for it to be “network effect”
You really love whataboutisms and it’s clear you’re just going to whatabout again and again and again but I’ll indulge you.
Cite how Valve said that they’re helping poor little developers with Skyrim mods. Like I remember the whole thing but I don’t remember the cut valve was taking and how much was bethesda who tried to revive that shit with FO4
Okay, but…what about smaller studios that don’t have established publishers?
I’ve already said I encourage them to take the deal but that doesn’t mean Epic focuses on giving small studios where Devs get rewarded for the exclusivity and you know it. Most of their exclusivity deals will be giving mostly all of the money to massive corporations and the developers will see none of it.
Quote Sweeney all you want but he is not someone I believe at their word and Steam isn’t losing money so I don’t have to worry about losing my games where if EGS shutters I do.
Look, I’m not saying you can’t criticize Epic.
Yes you are. Read your previous comments. You immediately got defensive and jumped to “but what about Steam” and have been actively boot licking for Epic.
That’s not what I am meaning, sorry.
I am meaning that Epic talks about a better cut for developers when really it’s a better cut for publishers. If Epic said they give a bigger cut to corporate entities I honestly don’t give a single flying fuck. Pay 50% to the store, I don’t care about your capitalist entities.
I’m not arguing loyalty for Valve just that Valve doesn’t pretend they’re helping the poor little developers with their bullshit to fuck over end users.
I don’t think this is accurate: I believe that the intent behind Epic’s statements is that it aims to help “Game Development Companies.”
This is completely propaganda in my opinion. Epic can afford to use two more words instead of just calling them developers and being entirely vague unless they enjoy the misleading nature of calling them developers. Developers are people full stop.
“Let’s also not conflate “developers” with “companies” Epic will talk about paying developers a better cut but often times it is the publisher not the developer that gets paid.”
You’re doing it again. I don’t know why I got caught up in this whataboutism with you when I made myself clear from the start and you agree. It’s like you want me to argue for Valve when I don’t care. GoG is best storefront for the end user and it’s not even close.
I see lots of people complaining towards the company that takes the deal with Epic. It’s just way easier to whine about Epic instead of a specific list of game companies that took the offer for various reasons. Like for indy studios I can totally see why they would take the money instead of risking it while for Ubisoft it’s completely down to more profit.
Let’s also not conflate “developers” with “companies” Epic will talk about paying developers a better cut but often times it is the publisher not the developer that gets paid. My favorite developers don’t get paid by Epic, they get paid whatever they can scrape together from their boss.
Capitalism has deemed your desire to learn is no longer profitable and therefore unsupported.
I’d say you can just wait for the gun makers to create said media but the only media they like funding is white supremacy shit.