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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: May 01, 2024


I enjoyed Origins as well. To me Odyssey was a more refined version of Origins. Better exploration, combat, etc. Odyssey focused more on exploration which is maybe why you felt it was more empty? I enjoyed it personally but it’s definitely a preference thing.

Which is not a really good criticism in my opnion. It still had a lot of the core elements of AC, they just tried some new things. And a lot of it worked out.

Bork is saying a blanket ban on computers connecting remotely would not work in a company that has a huge operations department who need to be on-call.

Good. It’s clear these assholes don’t think in terms of ethics. Hit it where it hurts. Their wallets. It’s all these greedy fucks understand.

It’s been years since I played or looked at anything CS related. I had no idea they shut down CS:GO.

CS:GO is around the same age with much more players on average. GTA V’s player count tends to fluctuate based on what I’ve seen.

All the games you listed like PUBG and GTA V are more like fads. Sure some lasted longer than others but their popularity dies down. Games like Counter Strike are considered to be more of classics. Especially to the older generation of gamers who grew up on them. These are games that are able to stand the test of time.

Essentially, the new law will mean that storefronts like Steam will no longer be able to use terms such as “buy” or “purchase” when advertising a game that always requires an online connection. Since you won’t technically own the product and servers being taken offline would render the product useless, a different word will have to be used.

The official phrasing in the bill’s summary reads, it will “prohibit a seller of a digital good from advertising or offering for sale a digital good, as defined, to a purchaser with the terms buy, purchase, or any other term which a reasonable person would understand.”

That’s actually a very good reason IMO.

They couldn’t find a better picture for the article?

Like just imagine Kratos in a top hat:

“Hello my baby, Hello my Honey, hello my ragtime gal!”

Oh, thank goodness. Just need to deal with the psychological trauma as I blow up names on the list and try to dissociate from the fact that these are people and I’ve become a mass murderer in the name of corporate profits. Hope they have good mental health coverage!

You all heard the man. Get off your asses and your lives of leisure to go fight and die for some random oil company!

I know. Just people on these kinds of positions used to have the brains to just ignore this stuff and pretend it doesn’t happen.

Was this guy born yesterday? You don’t “ask” the internet for anything like this. Just adds more fuel to the fire.

Maybe I’m too Canadian to understand but where on earth are you able to build a decent gaming PC able to play the latest AAA games on high graphics for $700?

No really, please tell me. I want to upgrade my PC.

Edit: For everyone trying to explain it to me.

  1. There’s more to a PC than a CPU and GPU. Those of you giving me only those 2 that make up more than half of the $700 are kind of reinforcing my point.

  2. The key thing here is running AAA games on high settings using this budget. You can’t really do that.

Like gambling, gaming can be an addiction that can really affect people’s lives.

True, I guess. But I know they had intentionally cut the story and change a few things as a result of that. I guess it’s partly because I just want more.

I really wish they were given more time for this game. It was amazing, but now that I know what they cut I keep feeling regret over not having so much more content.

You can start the discussions on this community if you’d like. I believe it’s the most active one. If you’re looking for the amount of content Reddit has…Lemmy isn’t there yet. You starting these discussions may help more and more people to contribute and add in. Which then creates more content.