Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
Even most of the positive reviews say it’s possibly a 5/10 at best.
This negative review by user Shitty, (Edit: Shifty) says all I need to know to not want to pay money for this game:
For example, building roads, which is something you will do the most in the game is annoyingly complicated. You cannot start a new road on the same tile where the existing road ends, you cannot cross roads, you have to manually work around the existing road to draw your new road.
That right there is enough for me to flat out say not a chance I’m spending a single penny pence or shekel on this game.
I’ve got a laptop running Garuda, it has and Intel APU(so integrated graphics) and a dedicated Nvidia 1660. Working better than with Win 11 on it. I did have to configure Heroic launcher to default to the dedicated gfx card, but that was about 7 mouse clicks tops. Steam games tend to just assume that you’ll be wanting the dedicated gfx to do the work, but some games ask. That said, out of the box, I had to fight win 11 for about 25mins to get it to agree that yes I did in fact want the Nvidia card to be used to run games.
My issue with Elite…is probably that I’m dumb. My character is locked to my epic account, my character is also soft locked with no money and a busted ship, pretty sure stranded in space somewhere. I’d like to just start from scratch, but I can’t for the life of me figure it out…as I said…kinda dumb.
No, but Thick As Thieves is the game the article is talking about.
Steam Link For Lazies
Good podcast episode:
Better Offline - William Lazonick on How The Stock Market Killed Tech
William Lazonick is an economist. In this live recording Ed Zitron is joined by William Lazonick, professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts, who is also the co-founder and president of the Academic-Industry Research Network, to talk about how the incentives of shareholder capitalism and stock buybacks are destroying innovation.
They also said Windows 10 would go rolling release. They don’t really deserve anyone’s business for any product.
I’m not going to sit here, wag my finger, and preach the gospel of Linux. I find that kinda cringe. I use Linux, and if people ask for a recommendation I’ll happily give my opinion.
Don’t really see the point in standing on a soapbox and yelling at passersby that they’re sheeple or whatever, doesn’t really help make anyone want to switch, just like having someone yell at me to repent or burn in hell.
It’s a bad look.
🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀 always was