I put it down after 25 hours a couple months ago and keep forgetting about it. The thought of moving inventory between my pack, the ship, and that box in the …what’s that building called where the group you joined live? I can’t even remember what I was doing, or who that group was. I just can’t inventory anymore.
I’m not surprised…it’s just okay. I’ve put maybe 25 hours into it and it’s not grabbing me like I hoped it would. Fast traveling everywhere is boring, inventory management is a nightmare, and the UI is frustrating. The last straw for me was during the " Rook Meets Queen" mission >!where I’m supposed to be deep undercover in the Crimson Fleet yet I can’t progress until I pay them 45,000 credits because there’s a bounty on my head. Seriously? Either I’m undercover or I’m not. !< So I put it down to revisit Cyberpunk, and I’m hoping once I get through that the kinks will be ironed out and the mod tools with MO2 support will be ready. I still have more fun playing a heavily modded Skyrim.
It’s typical click bait from a once, long ago, enjoyable magazine about PC games. Now PCG just outputs game guides and incessantly complains about AI.