Mail Carrier, Autistic, Parent, Pagan, and a very cool dog.

Nonbinary with no preferred pronouns. Engaged to a bisexual sponge.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Each one of these placating statements from them expressed sorrow for not listening/communicating more with their consumers, but I can’t help noticing a conspicuous lack of apology to their own employees.

Like, stop acting as if this is out of a clear blue sky and you’re simply course-correcting in good faith. Your own people told you this would happen. My trust in Unity is gone until they address this.

Short term profits making quarterly reports look better to stakeholders. Isn’t that how 80% of these bigwigs get their job in the first place? We should be calling it the Zaslav Model at this point 😂.

I agree. Once I realized the distinction, tho, I’m still happy. Having the authorization in hand when negotiating, especially after taking into account the current double strike, will presumably give them more leverage than ever. I’m cool not having any new media for a couple years if it saves the industry.

Ah, multiplayer is something I rarely touch so I can’t have an informed opinion on that element. That sucks for you, tho.

Exactly this. I love the characters. I’m having a blast with them. Thank you for understanding that.

Nah, just honestly sick of all the hate I see for it and this is about my only social platform. Simple as that.

I'm loving it. I've played the whole series for years and I think it's fantastic. Like, I understand that it's more PC than SR2 and some take issue with that, but I feel like the hatred towards it has become a bandwagon. I personally like that it took a more grounded but still progressive position in its storytelling. I love a good friendship story. People keep saying it deviated from SR2, but I feel like those people miss that time more than they miss that game. Regardless, having a blast. 30 hours in and counting. Yes, I waited til the Steam release lol.

I exclusively use a VPN with everything and have done so for years. If steam has an issue, they have yet to inform me lol.

On a serious note tho, there is an issue if you use a VPN to access store prices for a country outside your own. Regional pricing means that some people game the system and Valve rightfully cares about that.