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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 08, 2022


@ylai fuck ubisoft. They haven’t made a decent game since black flag.

@odelik @Melina valve’s consumer focused service is pretty gold standard. You can’t find anyone else who comes close. That’s why they are so dominant.

@Fallstar 60 buck skin? What the actual hell? Have some self respect. Play something else

@ArmoredThirteen @tamlyn that’s so sad, how idiocy in management can wreck so much so quickly.

@Neato @Shatur @MelodiousFunk @BroBot9000 @SuiXi3D I mean, I would oppose it… but it turns out I hate acti-blizz leadership more than I fear Microsoft.

@Sprite @SheeEttin too buggy for a proper playthrough? I have like 300 hours. I don’t know what you are doing that you can’t play the game, but that is not the experience most people have.