I’m all for exclusives going away, but it would have to be more than just microsoft doing it. If sony doesn’t reciprocate and all the Xbox games are on PS but none of the PS games are on xbox, why would anyone own an xbox? If nobody has a reason to pick xbox over PS then xbox goes away. with nintendo off doing their own thing that would leave a sony that nobody’s competing with, and we’ve all seen what sony does when they think they can get away with anything cough launch PS3 cough I don’t want that again.
Right now it’s open to anyone who pre-ordered or anyone who has game pass. it’s open to everyone for free next week. maybe they should have called it limited instead of open, but it isn’t closed to anyone, anyone can get game pass and play the beta rn so it is technically an open beta.
and why are people playing CoD? because it’s really solid gameplay that recieves weekly updates and events to always keep things fresh. the new movement system in this one is really a game changer and makes the game a lot of fun to play.
I just cant support Nintendo anymore, Sony burned their bridge with me after terrible support of the Vita and PSVR and hardware issues with the PS4, Microsoft seems hell-bent on becoming a third party.
I have a Steam Deck and honestly its the only platform i feel good about the future of. I thought I was done with PC gaming in 2013, Im getting older and I much prefer the simplicity of the console experience, but its looking like the ONLY choice rn.
Release a SteamOS console and save us Valve, youre our only hope.
Cyberpunk 2077 for me, it has everything, an amazing story with great characters, fantastic gameplay, a banger soundtrack, and an interesting world that’s fun to explore and feels like a real place.