Seems pretty cherry picked. From the Wapo regarding Twitter:
But the study doesn’t go so far as to say that Russia had no influence on people who voted for President Donald Trump.
It doesn’t examine other social media, like the much-larger Facebook.
Nor does it address Russian hack-and-leak operations. Another major study in 2018 by University of Pennsylvania communications professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson suggested those probably played a significant role in the 2016 race’s outcome.
Lastly, it doesn’t suggest that foreign influence operations aren’t a threat at all.
Coaxial vacuum tubes allow solar light energy in through the vacuum but the heat energy can’t escape that way. The center conductor is black and a heat pipe to heat the water.
Super duper efficient
Ed: also regarding a black container not vacuum isolated, the heat energy will be lost to the environs just as fast and efficiently as it is absorbed. Ref: Black Body Radiation
It’s our modern diet of refined sugar and plenty more that harms teeth
It’s somewhat within our control to do something about it