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Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


On here I’d 100% agree, though if some member here got into some kind of discord drama that you weren’t apart of, why would you choose a side? You’ll have incomplete information, and no doubt one of them will claim they were harassed while leaving out some important details.

the sane response is to go “wow that is awful. the gaming community does indeed contain some terrible people, i am glad to be one of the good ones and will distance myself from this behavior”

I’d say the saner response is none at all. This seems like a pretty niche community issue somewhere on the internet involving at most <100 people. I doubt anyone here is closer then 3 degrees of separation from anyone involved. Why would you expect any of the outsiders here to “take a stand,” based on incomplete information?

It’s done intentionally. If you want a wired mouse, you can buy one of thousands of wired mice and use those. If you want a wireless mouse, it doesn’t need to and shouldn’t be plugged in while you are using it.

Game not selling well? Find a tweet from a nobody talking about your shitty game being “woke.” Sensationalize it, position yourself as a bastion fighting against the hordes, imply that only by purchasing the failing game can the average liberal “fight back.”


As unnecessary consumption is one of the roots of suffering in our world, yea. I don’t like sales culture. You don’t need any “good deals” in your life, it’s not going to make you happy. And your Pavlovian response to a fictitious holiday is the theme of the article.

I’d hardly call them “orders.”


I will shop for deals on both days

Yea…that’s the point.

Only sheeple shop on Black Friday. An astute and correct observation.

Note the author doesn’t use the word sheeple, but “black-friday” and “cyber-monday” he argues are top-down orders to the masses to consume, and he is absolutely correct.

The idea of “posthuman cyborgs” is so fanciful, that I don’t think you are connected enough to reality to even make an accurate judgement on “the possible.”

We have the technology TODAY, RIGHT NOW to go to mars and make it back. There is no over-arching reason to do such a thing, but there are also no significant technological barriers preventing us from doing it. Human Cyborgs are 100% impossible today, and there are a myriad number of things preventing that kind of development. For example, we cannot today, keep a brain alive for any significant time, outside of it’s existing organic support body. Individual neurons? Sure, but a system of neurons at any comparable complexity as even a simple mouse brain? Nope. On the other-hand we have actually kept people alive in space for over a year, and we only need around 2years to get to mars and back. We also have the capability to send things to mars and bring them back, so combining those two things, and there ya go.

Mars L1 Lagrange point is only 2.2million km

This is false. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=Lagrangian+points+of+mars L1 is 137Million Miles from the sun. Though it is only 650,000 miles from Mars, which is probably where you are getting your 2.2million Km from.

This is cool. Reading the article I’m not sure if 1-2 Tesla is sufficient for the shield, or if you would actually need a lot more. But either way I feel like when we get to the point that we are seriously colonizing Mars in such a capacity that we need to worry about the magnetosphere, that putting a powerful magnet at the L1 point wouldn’t really be that big a deal.

The video kind of proves my point. It was janky, he fired <20bullets, and it jammed several times during the demo. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool as hell, but yea not very practical for anything and certainly not durable enough to be a viable alternative to CNC/Milling.

This is basically how today’s 3d printed guns work, but even still the gun isn’t good for more then a few magazines afaik. So it’s interesting as a way to create a gun that isn’t serialized and the ATF can’t trace, but it’s not durable, and it still requires a good deal of precision engineering/cost, so its not feasible to print a truck-load and sell them for cheap.

I love technological non-solutions to social problems. They are the only thing the work better then passing more laws that say you can’t murder people with guns.

Man, you guys just don’t understand that race is not an actual idea

“you guys” i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that racists don’t actually exist on lemmy. Leftist understand that “race” was a construct used to divide people based on criteria that aren’t threatening to the status quo. In the US, race exist to make sure that people don’t question the capitalists. In China is exist to make sure people don’t question whatever the inherent power structure that existed at the time “ethnic racism” was defined.
The point is it doesn’t matter. The purpose of the division was the same and the practical division was equally spurious.

There’s a pretty clear delineation from racism and ethnic prejudice. One is a classification system used to loosely categorize people by general region and skin tone. The other is actually based on ethnic groups, and tends to actually be based on historical context.

Ok but seems like a distinction without a difference. Neither racism, nor ethnic racism, have anything to do with video games.

A useful website to help contextualize how much power this is. https://www.eia.gov/electricity/gridmonitor/dashboard/electric_overview/US48/US48

Current US demand as of 20:30CST is ~560,000 Megawatt Hours. This facility can provide 8500megawatt hours over 100hours, or 85Megawatts/hr or about .015% of US electricity demand in an hour. At a cost of around ~$150million, that means to have enough storage for 10% of US demand, you would need ~670 of these facilities, or about $100 Billion.

Not too bad tbh. But of course this facility has a storage capacity of zero until it actually get’s built (if it gets built).

Then they better figure out how to block it, I’m not going to assist the nanny-state.

I believe each country should get to have a say in what is permissible, and content deemed unacceptable should be blockable by region.

Agreed. But if I’m running a website, I’m not going to block content based on what some other country that I don’t live in wants and why should I?

Yea I suppose the maintenance of those systems provides some employable benefit. So let’s say 1000 contractors, is that worth ~500million in tax breaks over 6 years? I’d say absolutely not. If that number were 100x or even 10x maybe, but ultimately it’s 500million stolen by the private entities based on exaggerated employment claims and dubious accounting.

Datacenters are absolutely not “job creators.” They are necessary for the life we enjoy, they are relatively clean as their major input is electricity and their output is heat. But huge fully functional DCs only need around 20people to run while providing zero local or even state revenue other then property taxes and whatever utility taxes are still applicable to them.

Obviously e-waste is a huge problem, but that is independent of the datacenter itself.

Uber was always more expensive then a taxi, at least in NYC/London. It was originally marketed as a “luxury” transportation option. The cloud was always ~2x more Operation Expenses with the value proposition that you didn’t have any Capital Expenses so if you were a startup it was easier to sell-out and get started with lower risk. Streaming is still cheaper then cable, but it is getting shittier.

Brilliant. Simply write software without bugs. You should certainly be in charge.

Sure high-speed rails with HVDC lines powering them from coast-to-coast I’m here for it.

Energy density has been the number one most important factor since humans started using metal. Wood is good enough to smelt bronze, and with some refinement can get your iron, but not good enough for steel. Steel requires coal, and with some refinement steel is what our world is built on.

Fossil fuels allow cars, planes and more efficient trains and boats. Unless we somehow start utilizing uranium and transuranics electric airplanes are for grifters. Uranium and it’s derivatives are the only thing we have harnessed that even approaches the energy density of fossil fuels.

Same. But for me I rented it on Genesis. Had no fucking clue what was going on and didn’t really have a good time.

It may not need to wear a red shirt, nor a blue shirt… If you hear fascism is on the rise and you think “Maga” you are naive.

Copyright only works by mutual consent of the countries enforcing it. Much like nuclear secrets in the 50’s, once the knowledge of the possible is there, no amount of geo-politicking will keep it limited to a single country.

The bugs don’t launch the asteroids ballistically, they are launched superluminally as can be seen by the gravity singularity that Denise Richards detects when they (almost) avoid the asteroid.

The bug meteors aren’t launched ballistically, they are launched in some kind of superluminal method that isn’t explained and doesn’t need to be, it did bypass earths defenses however. You can see that happens because the transport ship Denise Richards is piloting literally sees it happen. In the movie the idea of Buenos Aires being a false-flag isn’t supported by the text, nor the subtext.

Gaming laptops have always been an extremely expensive but less capable desktop. Their portability is laughable, and pointless. Their battery life is non-existent, and if you can’t easilly move them, and you also have to plug them in all the time, then what does a laptop give you?

Not to mention their bad keyboards, bad speakers, a touchpad? and compromised screen. Not only should they be left behind, they shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

I’m sure with a couple hundred million more dollars and a modest 100k more per shell that flaw could be fixed. Why would you be against this? Are you a Russian bot?


You mean the organization that is basically bankrupt and at it’s peak spent 5million dollars over a year lobbying? You think they have more influence then a “video game series” that is owned by a company that has around 25billion in assets?


Maybe we could just stop making plastic of all kinds. Reduce Reuse Recycle. Recycling is literally the last resort, we don’t need most of our plastic stuff today.

If and only If this law suit leads to the banning of advertisements across all media, I’d be 100% for it. But that isn’t the purpose, it’s purpose is a cash grab for a law firm.

It’s absolutely not. If you are at any kind of scale whatsoever, your yearly spend will be a minimum of 2x at a cloud provider rather then creating and operating the same system locally including all the employees, contracts, etc.

I use the switch for specific console games, and my PC for everything else. Don’t compromise with shitty consoles to play PC Games.

Any vpn solution that uses a TCP/IP shim in full tunnel mode will ignore option 121 or any other routing options (static routes, etc). Most corporate VPNs like Global Protect/Cisco Any Connect, Appgate, etc will enforce full-tunnel. Any user who is using a VPN for privacy reasons should also use a full tunnel as well especially when connecting to an untrusted networks.