TF2 is almost 20 fucking years old and has been F2P for 13 of those years, why should Valve care to do anything about it? Frankly, the official servers even still being online at all is more than most other games(besides subscription based games like WoW) of that era can say.
Like, what were you guys expecting? For Valve to support the game the rest of your lives?
Just be patient. Idk about FF, but Spider-Man 2 is definitely coming to PC. Hell, there’s already a leaked mostly playable version of the game available if you don’t mind sailing the high seas and don’t mind that it’s like 200gb(it’s like a dev build, lots of uncompressed stuff and extra files that would be removed from the release version).
Meh, who cares? RDR2 was phenomenal, and GTA V was groundbreaking when it first came out. They were worth the cost of admission despite the online modes being shit.
Besides, I had tons of fun in GTA:O. Don’t get me wrong, the actual missions were stupid as shit and not worth the god awful wait times. But using a money glitch a couple times to buy all the cool shit you want, then free roaming with some friends just goofing off doing stunts and shit? That was tons of fun.
I don’t get all the performance complaints about Act 3. The worst lag I ever had in the entire game was the first time I walked into the druid grove, dropped to 1-5fps for like 20 seconds and then it was more or less fine the rest of the game. One crash in 160 hours of playing, and I’m still on patch 0.2 atm.
Review bombers have completely fucked over the purpose of reviews, seriously. Thanks to those dumb fuckers anytime anything deservedly get bad reviews, the creators almost always completely fucking ignore the backlash, dismissing it as nothing more than review bombing. It’s nothing more than an excuse, of course, but it’s still an excuse they didn’t have at all before.
So this is technically returning an old feature. Prior to the admittedly much, much needed revamp of the app, basically any desktop addon would “just work” on mobile. After the update, only select addons approved by mozilla “just work”, for all other addons you have to use the dev/nightly build of the app and then enable a config flag. This new update is essentially a return to the old system for addons but without sacrificing the performance benefits the revamp brought.
The fact that there currently is no one cracking Denuvo? Empress was the only one cracking and posting new denuvo releases and they’ve been completely silent for months(possibly over a year? I forget). The only other people cracking denuvo lately are a DRM developerdoing so for the challenge(and not releasing the crack, because they’re a DRM dev…) and like one other guy cracking much older versions of denuvo.