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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2024


Fuck Nintendo. You can’t even sell an nes on fucking ebay without getting harassed. I managed to sell my Switch faster than it could get taken down at least.

I will never buy anything from Nintendo again. Ever. Even Apple is a more ethical company which isn’t saying much. Being better than Nintendo is an incredibly low bar to meet.

The last version barely runs on Linux and the one before that was made before computers could have more than 4gb of ram and it crashes all the time (regardless of if you use Windows or Linux). Flight Simulator 2004, the one before that, has shitty enough graphics that it never hits the 4gb limit so stupidly enough that’s the most playable one.

Seriously. You can’t even get loose risc-v chips even from mouser and especially not ebay or alibaba. I’m not counting those bullshit low pin coint microcontrollers, I want an actual microprocessor with a parallel bus and peripherals so I can do personal computing stuff with it. And is at least more powerful than a Pentium 1.

With arm cpus you can at least get the bottom of the barrel microprocessors no one else wants. A53 1.4ghz chips are actually reasonably priced but beyond that it’s not. Arm is currently a better contender for a “build your own computer” type thing.

Well I wasn’t planning on playing GTA 5 but now I guess it’ll have to be pirated GTA 5 only so I can play a pre-anticheat version. It sucks that GTA is a game where all the mod developers try hard to make their stuff not work on pirated versions. Guess I’ll be avoiding that entire toxic community as a whole. Cyberpunk a better game anyway.

Delaying pc release that fucking long. What consoles are they even trying to force people to buy? Consoles have become kind of a niche thing, now everyone has macbooks and pcs. Nvidia graphics cards have replaced the console pyramid scheme. Will Nvidia even allow them to do this? They develop the game on pc for fuck sake.

If I play the game at all I’m pirating it. There is no acceptable reason to release the pc version 18 months after the console version. Are there even going to BE any consoles out in 2026 that can run the game?

Cool, if they’re cutting stuff out and selling factories, their days are numbered. Good riddance. That’s what you get for selling everyone the same fucking cpu from about 2010-2020, only bothering to change the pin counts just to sell more motherboards.

Here in America, people will pay $1000, sometimes more for basically the same thing except a little thinner. There’s no incentive to make better laptops because “crappy specs except a little thinner” is what sells. It makes it hard to find actually good laptops without paying an absolute fortune.

I bet it would probably work. You mentioned you’re buying this, just make sure you’re not getting ripped off. This isn’t a very good system for gaming (considering how ridiculous system requirements for modern games are) so I hope your guy isn’t trying to pass that off as such. You can get stuff like this really cheaply on ebay, especially if you have the patience to bargain hunt.

Doing nothing is still more than some companies do. Some go out of their way to ensure their game won’t run on Linux.

Guys I’m announcing a game that will be ready in the year 7165451849948654 for early access, with full release expected some time after the heat death of the universe if all goes to plan. So far I have like 6 lines of code that say “hello world” in 4 different ways (2 of them don’t work yet).

Pre order now. If you aren’t hyped yet are you even a gamer?

Wtf? In 2016 when I had a high paying job I upgraded the fuck out of all my shit and it’s still going strong. The only “upgrade” I did since then was I swapped out my Nvidia card for an amd one because of open source graphics drivers which was more of a downgrade but I refuse to use fucking windows for anything so it was worth it.

We have the simplest justice system in the world. Everything is legal unless you’re poor in which case everything is illegal.

I want to pick up chicks at the Bannered Mare in my spaceship. It’ll be like that one scene from family guy “wanna make the kessel run? Ive only got 12 parsecs”

Board a ship full of Va’ruun Zelots and charge at them with a squad of bandits with nordic armor and enchanted battle axes. They won’t know what hit them.

Back in the day a pc was easier to get than an Xbox. I just had to figure out which $60 pci video card was good for games then boom, better gaming and in glorious 1024x768. Then I figured out pc games can have mods and that was the end of consoles for me.

This is a really decent game. I do have a complaint about it though. In late game you NEED 3 or 4 ships just to still be relevant against all the threats (not a bad thing, I like the difficulty being like this). Then you need a cargo ship to haul around all your junk. Resource and supply transfers between ships have to be done manually. This eventually gets tedious and ultimately causes me to stop playing after I get to that stage of the game. I hope some day someone makes a mod for this or the developers add something to address this issue. Some kind of system for automatic resource sync between ships while stationary or parked in stations could fix this.