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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2021


Because there’s a good experience buried under a mountain of extremely bad decisions. If the games lacked potential people wouldn’t care.

Fake, that’s way too coherent and competent to have come from a CEO.

What the fuck is this circlejerk bullshit? Steam is a competent platform, that’s it.

All Steam revolutionized is getting people to download DRM and psychologically manipulating them into buying EXEs they will never download with skins that are pretty much NFTs in all but name and people act like they’re the 3rd coming of god.

Yeah it’s absolutely gone to shit. I remember learning lua playing back then, pretty good language.

Why shouldn’t children use gmod?

You press the server list and the first thing you see is just a massive list of Nazi Germany RP going by as many names as you can think of. You keep scrolling down looking for a normal sever and learn every possible way to code “you play as the Nazis in this server” as you go.

Well it’s time for the broken clock to be right for once. Gmod is not a safe place for kids and it absolutely should not have kids content on it.

You clearly haven’t seen it, nor know anyone affected by it. It’s like 99% noncon shit from people who are too creepy for artists to work with.

EDIT: Sums it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aS97RKjEdI

100% that porn is not legal. It’s also pretty easy to tell which demographic they’re targeting with this.

Like they said, exactly like tipping at a restaurant.

People only play Overwatch 2 because they deleted the vastly superior original so they could squeeze out more money.

To all of you who still tip in this day and age: will this convince you that tipping culture only exists to underpay (usually black) workers?

I enjoy when the trash takes itself out. DELETED: I didn’t expect this comment to actually go through.

You’re right, i’m just going to block and move on, which is what I should have done from the get-go. Sorry for thinking you could correct.

Can we hold ourselves to a higher standard than to post irritating clickbait? SEO bullshit is fucking cancer that need to stay rotting in Web2.

You think they might have had a reason to do that, something that had to do with them completely stiffing them out in the agreement? You’re acting like they were being unreasonable but this is just a continuation of the white man’s treaty, a tactic where you take a minority of a community, whoever’s the cheapest and buy them out, and then have them represent the entire community. That’s exactly what they did and if it wasn’t for the fact that they had a controlling stake in the project they would have gotten away with it too. Is it at all surprising that one of the developers who ‘played ball’ in the scheme ended up becoming the CEO?

As with all things, if you zoom out and squint you can see the reality of the situation; and what you see is a capitalist organization shutting down a project that wasn’t even competing with them or even a threat because they weren’t under their absolute control. All capitalists do this, and it’s the biggest reason why capitalism is such a dysfunctional and shitty system where inferior products end up as monopolies, by simple dint of hunting down and killing or assimilating anything better than them.

We’ll see if the trend holds in a month, a year, and a decade. I think the flaws holding it back will prevent any growth, charging money for mods is radioactive to the community as Railcraft had proven before they were forced by law not to paywall their updates.

Best case scenario we get the Google Play Store where people don’t make stuff because they want to, but because they want to make money, but like I pointed out that MTX scheme is absolutely going to result in bad and confusing payouts which will drive away even those people. If it turns out they’re paid in scrip- I mean minecoins, than at best you’re getting a bunch of kids who don’t understand labour exploitation yet.

EDIT: I looked into it and it’s mostly just kids who don’t understand how exploitative the whole thing is. The API is also extremely lacking.

I used better language this time

Famously always goes over well.

He says a lot of stuff, including a lot of stuff he shouldn’t. Jokes aside, his intentions were made clear when he bought out Bukkit than proceeded to tear it apart for the crime of being a better server hosting software than the garbage they had. Pretty cut-and-dry.

For those paying attention that was the first hint the guy might be a little bit of a nazi before he went completely mask-off on twitter.

Kiiind of? Data packs come pretty close and don’t have the massive security issue of just allowing people to execute random jars at root.

People already pirate Java to shit, if they made it unavailable than that immediately legitimizes all of it under the game preservation argument.

The mods are shit too. I don’t know what their API is like but it’s clearly not good if you have this entire legacy of modded minecraft, a game which is (presumably) way better programmed and they’re actively paying people to do it, yet they can barely accomplish a 10th of the quality.

Even if they were good you’d have to interact with that horse-shit mobile game premium currency model (which absolutely should be made illegal) where you have to buy currency in packs with bigger packs having a discount and are never in sizes that are usable for a single purchase. Having to pay for mods is contentious enough as is, but putting it behind abusive MTX is going to be a deal breaker for the rest.

It’s not a contradiction at all. Yes CEOs are the main beneficiary of the system but they’re still accountable to shareholders who run on pure capitalism. There’s plenty of examples of CEOs trying to do the right thing only to get sued by the shareholders then kicked out of their jobs. Nothing about corporations inherently needs to be done in a capitalist way, except the fact that publicly traded companies are legally required by law to run as capitalistically as possible, and if you don’t accept Venture Capital or go public, good luck getting anywhere in this system.

Hell, basically the entire premise of syndicalism is to put workers in control of the workplace and let things naturally evolve from there. Once you remove the core pillar holding capitalism up, everything will fall down one by one like dominos. If you want to see a fraction of how that works just look at places with high unionization compared to ones without and it’s like a completely different world.

That argument doesn’t fly for companies that employ psychologists specifically to make their games as unhealthy as possible.

They’re on a de instance, do you genuinely think they’re wrong out of ignorance, or is it far more likely they’re just a fascist?

DELETED: WOW what a huge fucking misfire. I completely missed who was being referred to and epic failed in the process.

Seeing as how Mussolini has a daughter who is alive today and just as fascist as their father, is this person Marx’ descendant?

Summary: They created an empire where they profit off the abuse of child labour and expose these same children to dangerous environments. They’re basically grooming children into exploitation at every level and making absolutely bank off of it. You can’t even say that they’re getting life experience because the tools they’re required to use to make games are proprietary and offer no transferrable skills.

Despite what you may think of Roblox (and it’s historically had plenty of problems) as one of the biggest gaming platforms ever, it’s certainly a shame to see it go.

No it isn’t. No it fucking isn’t. That would be like if newgrounds shut down, one of the biggest platforms for pedo-nazi shit that just so happened to be a hub for flash games. Eventually you have to come to grips with the fact that the abuse is their export, not the games, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them going belly-up and taking their bullshit with them.

This is the same energy as when I put in a genuine effort into a relationship I know is toxic and they’re the ones who end up blocking me.

Perfect example of “it’s not about the money, it’s about control”

Oh okay, I just know them as the guy who keeps showing up in youtube videos, didn’t realize he had a history outside of that.