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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2024

My wifi was still out until this evening, so i decided to finally pick up Max Payne 2 since i had it installed, if only so i can finally clear it off my list. I made it about halfway through the entire thing today before stopping when my Wi-Fi came back on. The game has this pretty backdrop of rain, though i still think the first game's snow was my favorite. The game feels a bit more refined than the first one, though this may just be the higher poly models making it easier to tell what i can and can't shoot through. It also feels a lot easier and forgiving with Ammo. With the first one i felt like i had to make each shot count, this one i feel like i have had no shortage of ammo. ![]( > The rain I mentioned The soundtrack for this game is just as good as the first one too and i love how some of the levels sprinkle in references to the first one. There's a bar sign that references the bar from the first game, and you even got to go there in reverse of what the first game made you go through too. ![]( > The fun house there was also this fun house section that you go through and it was a unique change of pace, especially when it's revisited later. There's a section with a giant ass needle, and as someone who's unsettled by needles, i think i can safely say that's the first time this game has unsettled me.

I remember doing the lost woods. OoT’s will always be my favorite but damn will I say that BoTw gives it a run for its money with the puzzle to solve it and atmosphere

My Wi-Fi was out today, so that knocked all multiplayer things out and for whatever reason Sackboy wouldn't load with the Wi-Fi out. So instead i booted up Breath of The Wild on Cemu and played that. After i got the Camera upgrade i went crazy taking photos of everything i could (instead of, yknow, stopping the giant evil presence that wanted to destroy the world). I didn't realize how badly the System compressed the images though so a *lot* of these came out crunchy. I got the photo of the dog right outside of Dueling Peaks Stables. I had a different one saved of a dog rolling on it's back but this one turned out *far* better than that one because it was too dark. I've been trying to walk everywhere to familiarize myself with the world (i also turned on the Pro Hud to help encourage me to navigate by sight too). While on my way to the Stables i blew up some fish and got a photo of them right before grabbing them to cook: ![]( I also got this photo of beetle looking concerned. Probably because i was all up in his face and he kept turning to look away from me. I ended up selling some Gems to him afterwards to afford my horse i named Darren. ![]( This was one of the first photos i took by myself. I went out back and this lizard was posing majestically, so i grabbed a photo of that too for the compendium. ![](

Damn. I completely forgot Media Molecule did Dreams. I think Sumo Digital (the same studio that made LBP3) did Sackboy. Part of me wonders if they excluded the level editor to avoid seeming like this was meant to be a direct successor to LBP

I grew up playing 2 and there was this “GTA” level that me and my Sister would play the fuck out of. It wasn’t even anything special looking back on it I don’t think but it was so much fun

After hearing it has an uncharted level I’m tempted to pick it up just for that

I decided to give Sackboy: A Big Adventure a try today. I bought it last year and never started it (though, the same could be said for 70% of my library). I decided to just drop Black Flag because i couldn't get the DLC to show up. So i this is what i picked to play next. Little Big Planet 2 was one of my favorite games growing up, so i was excited to play this. It's definitely not what i was expecting from something with Sackboy in it, but i think my expectations were unfair because i was expecting something like Little Big Planet. It's similar in many ways, but i would say it's much closer to Mario 3D Land instead of Little Big Planet. After getting over my expectations i really found myself enjoying it. I do wish the Story was a bit more involved in the Levels like they were in Little Big Planet (after the intro i don't think i got any plot exposition for it until six levels in), but they are really well crafted and it has some of the same mechanics that LBP does (i mourn the Level Maker though). The music is really good too. Though i feel like it feels very out of place and abstract if that makes any sense (though this could very well be my Nostalgia for Pemberton and the other composer's works), it's very well made and i enjoyed the pieces i heard in the first world i played, such as the Yeti one. The Gameplay is really well made too, there was this puzzle in one of them i really enjoyed where you walked around on this big Screen Like thing. It was a really cool idea. The also have a whole level the utilizes the Rolling mechanic which i feel like is a clever way to get players to adjust to it. ![]( The game also sees the Customization return. I had some free things that i ended up using to customize my character and i bought some cat eyes. I ended up with this thing: ![](

Today's game is Red Dead Online. I was going to take a screenshot of Black Flag but i was so caught up in getting all the collectibles (I'm somehow *still* not done too) that i forgot to take one. In better news i did 100% the story (and got a bunch more achievements with it). ![]( In Red Dead Online me and my friend just kind of spent the whole evening Fishing. Ended up catching this pike with a Shotgun blast. I couldn't figure out how to cook it so it sits on the back of my horse for now. I also used dynamite to try and catch some more. It killed them but they got swept down stream. Our camp also got put by this really pretty waterfall which was a nice set piece to our fishing: ![]( Me and my friend afterwards hogtied each other and threw each other off the waterfall before ending for the night.

Yeah, i get that. I’ve been going through getting collectibles today and some of them take forever. I’m dreading getting all the chests. Idk why Ubisoft insists on adding so many every game

The Story makes it one of my favorites. I just beat it and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little teary eyed at the ending

4 for me is probably carried a lot by the story for me. Though I do enjoy the Naval combat. If you like the Stealth i’d suggest Unity. It has by far the best refinement of the Stealth mechanics

Today's game is Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I went with a Out of Animus Screenshot to mix things up from the Usual Pirate Decor. i've gotten all the way to Sequence 12. I spent most of today doing Story Missions, so i'm going to be keeping the Screenshots a bit light so as to keep from spoiling it for anybody who might be considering playing it. I'm almost ready to finish up the game. Tomorrow i plan to finish the story and hopefully get all the collectibles before doing Freedom Cry and moving onto what game i decide to do next. While i was playing, A tornado came by and grabbed a ship and ripped it apart. it was something like out of Looney Tunes. I wish i got a clip of it but this was the perpetrator shortly after: ![]( There was also a segment where you swim up through the water where Sharks with Sharks swimming around you. After doing all the Diving sections yesterday the Sharks had me on edge. In the diving sections they can latch on and maul you if you don't escape via a QTE. The entire sequences had this fuzzy effect over it too so it had me on edge. ![](

I wouldn’t say there’s more of the campaign. Maybe in the story for the Online but there’s like 6 or so missions and that’s it.

The Legendary Bounties id say are maybe a bit closer to the story mode with getting a story of who you’re hunting and then they’ll have unique characters to them. Like there’s one where you fight this Cult Leader and he has a boss fight where he’s wearing Plate armor so you have to tire him out first. But the bounties are so far into the online mode I can’t say they’re worth investing the time.

It’s kind of disappointing to me too. I love doing the online activities but the lack of a full story makes me sad. Especially considering how they abandoned the game so we probably won’t ever get one

Today's game is Red Dead Online. While picking the screenshot i had the genius idea to crop the picture to help hide the UI it for people who like to guess (only took me 174 days to figure it out). Though for read dead i guess the idea is kind of null due to how recognizable the graphics are. I have spent the last few months saving up to by a Bounty Wagon. I took this screenshot while running to get a Treasure Map, which brought me up to the $875 i needed for it. The sunset was really pretty while heading up here. After getting the Treasure i raced to Strawberry, accidentally quit the game in my excitement, and rejoined at Emerald Ranch to buy it. After i bought it me and my friend went to do a bounty to break the thing in. Here is a screenshot of the newly bought Wagon in action (I broke it shortly after in the Legendary Bounty i did by driving it off a cliff and killed the two people i had in the back. It cost $8 to repair with a 2 minute wait time) ![]( Backtracking a bit, we also did a Train bounty while saving up for it. We ended up going all the way from one side of New Austin to the Other based purely on the words some guy said that told us it's up by Armadillo. We tracked the entire tracks looking for it only for the game to take pity on us. Here we are following the tracks: ![]( Here's also a bonus screenshot i was sure how to fit in from right before i bought the wagon where my horses ass erupted into flames like i was playing G-Mod and slapped a rocket on the back ![](

From what I’ve heard Mirage was a return to form for the franchise and id assume Shadows would keep with that, but the latest game I played was Valhalla and even then I didn’t beat it and I skipped over Odyssey so I’m not sure exactly how true to form Mirage is

I was so excited for that until I saw gameplay. I still want to give it an honest try before playing it, but damn was I disappointed

1080p Normal Settings with HBAO Low and and SMAA. A few of the Screenshots were taken on 2K with AA turned off and HBAO on high though

I find them fun when they’re implemented in unique locations or the climb can be an experience. But they just kind of slap them in a lot so it becomes much more of a check box for me

Yeah. For me it was tolerable in the old games, because the story ranged from decent to pretty good so it could carry it.

But Valhalla’s story for me just wasn’t interesting so it felt like a Viking themed collectathon rather than Assassin’s creed. It just ended up highlighting my issues with it. All the chests and Animus Fragments are by far the worst ones with how many there are.

I knocked out a good chunk of Black Flag today. I'm aiming to 100% it, so i've been cleaning out locations before finishing the main story. I *did* do sequence 8. The ending mission for this is one of the ones that is most memorable to me along with The Blackbeard one and the Final Mission. I got this screenshot while i was supposed to be hunting Vane. Instead i took a detour to grab some collectibles to save myself from a second trip. ![]( I also got this Screenshot of a Large Cat while backtracking to an earlier Island to grab all the Collectibles. I tried to leave it be but ended up having to kill it in Self Defense: ![]( I also wanted to talk about the water in this game. It's like a solid 9/10 for me. I'm not a fan of Tropical things, but the Water is gorgeous in this game. This screenshot shows the really deep blue parts of the Water. Which are my favorites. ![](

the launch definitely killed Unity’s success. Syndicate was still in a similar vane but i miss the outfit customization and the multiplayer. The online aspect brought a lot of fun to the game

it’s definitely one of the best in my opinion. It has good Story and Gameplay and the graphics hold up surprisingly well for it’s age. My suggestion would be to pick it up on sale, because most of the Assassin’s Creed Games go on sale for like $5-$10. I’d be surprised if this one didn’t

Today's game is Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. This is one of my favorite games of all time. I first played through it on PS3 when i was younger and have fond memories of it, especially the story. Though Unity will always have my favorite game play, Black Flags story will always be one of my favorites. I went ahead and played through the entirety of Sequence 7 today. I even did some of Sequence 8. I got this fun photo of the sunset while capturing a fort shortly after that. It kind of reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean with that scene where the flip the boat while sailing into the sunset. ![]( After which i went and played checkers against the AI. I ended up in a tie after 40 minutes. I got a screenshot of this guy passed out on the table to commemorate my win. ![](

i can see how it can be repetitive. I felt like the cannibal difficulty ramped up fast. From what i understand the game has story elements too, but me and my friend didn’t really touch them yet so it could change

Today's game is The Forest. A friend gifted it to me to play a few weeks ago and i finally got around to trying it. Within the first day i took shelter in a shipping container because my friend ran off without me. I put a fire in it hoping none of the cannibals could see it. Midway through the night though i ran out of food and water and had to go search for some. ![]( My trip ended up taking me too a few suitcases on the beach where i found some booze. I survived off of that and a chocolate bar and ended up walking towards my friend after some cannibals cut off my route to the safety of my Shipping Container. After the long journey, i died immediately after getting there. It turned out the plane was literally right next to the Bay where my friend built his base and his sense of direction was ass. I ended up building a tree house to live in to keep me safe as the cannibals don't understand the concept of rope. I built a second tree house but blew it up with dynamite. You can see here the cannibal that i tried to blow up. ![]( After this i started building a wall around my treehouse to keep me safe so i could work without being disturbed. Sadly i didn't manage to get any screenshots because i kept getting besieged by Cannibals in groups of 4. i built a lift though for emergency escapes and some doors on the fence. so i can safely say i won't be caught by surprise.

i was expecting it to be as long as Opposing Force, but i’ve never played Opposing force either. About how long is that?

I *had* plans to play Left 4 Dead 2 with friends today, but those fell through, so instead i booted up Half Life Blue Shift, having realized i have never played it after reading all the rumors. I don't know what it is but i feel like it's easier than the base game. Barney also feels way more slippery than Gordan but that may just be me. I saw the G-Man while in the opening, which i thought was fun. It's like seeing a celebrity IRL, except instead of being famous for a movie or something, they're an ominous blue suited man with a lovely voice, I also swung by the Armor and picked up the pistol while trying to find my way around. The moment i picked it up i accidentally opened fire because for some reason the left trigger on my controller is the Fire button too. So i accidentally created a Parallel timeline where barney was fire for horrific trigger discipline. ![]( In an acid filled room i also found what i'm pretty sure is an Ultrasound. I'm curious what the story behind this is, both from a lore standpoint and a developer standpoint. ![]( In this same room, i encountered the biggest struggle for me with the Original Half Life games. Trying to figure out where to go. I kid you not, i spent 20 minutes unsure of where to go. Turns out, i had to blow up this gate with barrels behind it. I couldn't figure that out though because too me the barrels looked like Toxic Waste barrels *despite* looking back on it, me practically rubbing Barney's face up against the gate so hard he probably felt like cheese on a cheese grater. ![]( ![]( After this i made it into a hallway with a lift. I ended up somehow fudging the jump and dropping Barney into a pit and killing him. After that 1 hour ordeal i sat Blue Shift down, realizing this was going to be more than an evening thing for me

I think the controls are one of the few things impacting its age. They’re difficult to get right on modern hardware with the One Stick design. Especially the Wii U gamepad. I played that version and Mario just did not control well for me. I don’t know what it was

Today's game is Super Mario 64. I've done the First and got too the second bowser level. I took this screenshot while climbing up the stairs to the first battle. There's something i love about these stairs and the bowser levels at large. I also went to Jolly Roger Bay and tried to get that damn eel. I ended up drowning while trying to get to the surface and where i died was right before the top. It ended up looking like he was choking himself or drowning on air: ![]( I also did the Penguin on the Snowy mountain. I think i can say i made everyone proud dropping it off the mountain (Though i took myself with it) ![]( I also caught Mips and got this screenshot of him looking like his day was ruined. I surprisingly did it in record time and it only took me three attempts to catch the damn thing. I took him into Lethal Lava land with me shortly after this picture. I lost him while there but i imagine he's still there. ![](

I honestly am surprised i’ve made it this far. I fully expected to forget one day or just straight up not have time at all at some point along the way. I’m happy i’ve been able to make it this far.

that’s something i hope to do when people see my posts. Introducing people to new games or to try new ones is something i always love doing

Happy New Years everyone! Yearly, it's a tradition for me to play Wii Sports on New years, so i got some screenshots for that tonight. I nearly wasn't able too as I lost my Wii U power cable and couldn't find it, but i didn't let that stop me and i hooked up my PS5 controller to Dolphin and played with it's Gyroscope. Some of the games were *playable*. Not well though. Golf i had to do tiny little taps and it straight up trapped my Mii in a purgatory of Eternal Practice Swings. No matter what i did pressing A did nothing: ![]( I moved on from Golf and to Tennis. it was a bit easier as The Gyroscope was super sensitive. The Miis went all or nothing with it. *somehow* though i still lost despite having every shot be a 100% basically. ![]( Finally, Bowling kept taking a curve left at the very end. It took me a while to get the Angle Down but i eventually got it. I didn't get any hole in one's but i did get a spare. ![]( I didn't even bother with Boxing because i wasn't sure how to handle the Gyroscope for the nun-chuck. I think my lesson learned this year is that i should find my Wii U cables, and probably make that my new years resolution too.

Wii Sports. It’s a yearly tradition on new years for me

Today i played Starbound. I picked it up for sale a few years ago for pretty cheap. Today i decided to boot it up and mess around in it, wanting something *like* terarria but not as open. I have to say though, i forgot how tedious the opening missions are. You have to go mining for these specific crystals and then open a gate. My gate ended up being extremely far away too so my character got his steps in. I still love this game but i forgot how tiring that opening mission is. When i finally got there i realized that i must have some mods leftover from when i last played with a friend. That was because there were these two robed guys i don't remember in the main game. ![]( After looking at the gate i went on the hunt for the gems as i had only collected one at that point. That's when i stumbled on the House in the main screenshot and decided to rest there. I didn't want to be out at night because there were these annoying blue guys that kept running at me that i'm pretty sure were added by a mod. Along the way i stumbled across this castle thing. These things spawn in the base game and i love renovating them into a base. If i ever end up picking this save up again i for sure want too turn it into a home: ![]( I ended up getting caught outside after this, and i don't know if its a mod or the game is just difficult for me (i'm also playing with controller so that probably doesn't help) but the enemies kept wiping the floor with me and i was getting tired of searching for those crystals. So i ended up setting it down for the night.

Today's game is Red Dead Online. I got in with some friends today and we did some bounties for a quick bit. We did a 3 star and got a whole $13 from it because my friend killed the lady we needed to catch. After that we went and played some poker and this NPCs head erupted into flame. My friend ended up getting dragged his own private poker game and i went and started a two person bounty without him. I stole a horse and rode it and my main one to the bounty before hogtying both guys and tossing them on the horse i stole and my personal one. My friend ended up driving the second horse outside of the bounty for me after he was terrorized by a hacker flying above him, he kept thwacking the guy to keep him from escaping for me. Then when i ran the first guy in my friend stayed outside and babysat the second guy until i picked him up. I got a total of $60 and 0.30 gold bars for it.

Online is a lot more “dailies” (as my friend who plays FXIV likes to call them). So like daily quests to get gold and bounties and things like that. They also have PVP things and races, I can’t vouch for those though as I’m not really big on the PVP after getting a Hacker in my first few games. there’s a bit of a story too. It’s not too long but it’s fun to play. Though irc it strong arms you into multiplayer if you don’t have a friend to play with.

I tend to stick to mostly doing bounties, which is one of the careers you can pick up. There’s also Naturalist, Collector, and Moonshiner irc.

All of them need licenses though to get, which costs the game’s in game premium currency (gold). It’s not too hard to get ahold of in game (i get like 0.25 per a bounty at max payout with licenses being around 10-15 Gold irc, you can get gold for other things too like daily quests). I know Premium currencies are a turn off for some people though

I’m playing on Steam Deck at 1080p. I can’t vouch for PS4 Pro quality but it definitely looks really good for the Steam Deck’s Specs

Today's game is Red Dead Redemption 2. I wanted to play some, but didn't want to do online so i hopped into story mode and messed around for a while and did a few of the Debt side quests. Todays is a screenshot of a small cat i got in strawberry. And here's a screenshot of a big cat i got near strawberry: ![]( After getting the big cat's pelt i took my horse to town to sell the pelt, and got it stuck in a pillar. I tried a ton but couldn't get it out (this was also when i took the picture of the house cat). I ended up saying fuck it and paid my $180 bounty and took a stagecoach. Here's the $180 idiot: ![]( Before i left though i got this pretty landscape photo of the river in Strawberry. I like fishing here in online. It's very relaxing to fish there and pretty too, especially when it rains. ![](

10/10 seems to be the general consensus. The only complaint I’ve heard is with Jesse as a character, which while I’m not sure I understand, does seem to be the most common.

Being a huge Alan Wake fan it definitely is a pleasure to play through. I’m excited to get too the AWE DLC for it

I was in exactly the same boat. It took me a while to “get” control. I think once I did playing through it became way easier

That’s how I was at first too. I guess I changed as a person to the point I’d like it more

If I didn’t stumble upon the astral bathroom before I don’t think it would have clicked for me how to solve the very last one I did. It’s definitely on par with the same difficulty of Zelda 1 where you either need a lot of time or a walkthrough to solve it

I did the Maneki-neko Statue side quest in Control today. It ended up taking all evening but it was fun tracking them all down. The first statue i found was actually the last one i was supposed to go to (the secret door). I ended up getting this screenshot too of the the final group photo for the cats: ![]( there was also this one of the council(?) of cats: ![]( There was ominous chanting the entire time and it was kind of creepy, but i also really liked the room because the Maneki-neko statues were so cool to me growing up. I ended up wearing the ears because i put all that effort into finding and you bet i'm going to wear it: ![]( I also stumbled into the Astral Bathroom on accident before i was supposed to do the puzzle. It was a bit surprising because i wasn't expecting it. I just rounded the corner and bam. Bathroom's gone abstract. ![Hate it when this hapens](

I’ll definitely put it on my list. The story and scale of the Remedy Universe was one of my favorite parts of it. I’d kill to experience something similar

Man. When I was younger I couldn’t get into Star Fox 64 on my 3DS. Maybe I should give it a try again. Is it the kind of thing where the PC Port is the better way to play it or should I play it on original hardware?

Man. I modded BeatSaber on my Quest 2 years ago and it was a blast. I had so many fun songs to play on there

Landscape shots like that are some of my Favorite to do. Control really does a good job with its landscapes

I’ve found that the Crystals in the foundation DLC really helped mix up the combat enough to stab a little more life into it for the DLC. But I do get that. If I didn’t stop like 3 missions away from the end the first time I played I probably would have found it a bit repetitive too

I’m excited. I’m a bit worried I’m seeing this as an addition to the Alan Wake Story but with a free game thrown in. After starting the foundation DLC though I feel a bit reassured that’s not the case

I finished Control today. I have to say that i'm incredibly disappointed in myself for sleeping on it for so long. The game is awesome and i can't conceive a reason why i had ever put it down. I love the amazing gameplay with all the OOP. They're the kind of originality i love Remedy for. I started the foundation DLC today and hope to finish it up tomorrow before starting AWE. The story was also really good. it feels very large and messy, but in like a good way. Theirs a lot of things that we don't get answers for that i feel like it mimics real life. We'll never have all the answers to life; similarly (at least in this game) we'll never have answers to what the Hiss's goal is, what the Board is, etc. Sure we'll get bits and pieces (such as the suggestion about Alan writing the Hiss) but the lack of a full answer i love. Remedy did the same kind of thing with Alan Wake II which i adore. Then there's the graphics. In the foundation DLC especially there's all this red sand everywhere and i love it. The particle effects are well done and everything: ![]( Here's another example from The Foundation where the Hiss's fog prettily kind of wraps around them and everything: ![]( Overall i really loved this game. I'm excited to beat the last few DLCs.

Me and my friend didn’t encounter a single bot which is nice. It was always annoying to have a match ruined by a sniper bot joining

I feel like outside the box gameplay and story is Remedy’s MO. Alan Wake has the Story and Flashlight mechanics, Control has all the Parautilitarian mechanics and the lore with The Oldest house and Director. Even Max Payne as far as i’m aware was unique with the Bullet Time mechanics

I tried the Jukeboxes but just couldn’t really get into them as much as i wanted too. Which is a shame because i love the Quarry and the combat is really satisfying to pull off

I’m disappointed i sat on it this long, especially with Alan Wake being one of my favorite games of all time and knowing the connection this had too it. Initially i dropped it because i struggled with the combat and stepped away thinking it wasn’t for me. I don’t know what it is but stepping back into it, it just clicks for me now and i love it. I finished up the main story today and started on the Foundation DLC today.

Today's game is Control. I've been wanting to finally finish this after beating Alan Wake II. Today, i 100% Silent Hill 2, and decided to pick it up and give it a try. I must have stopped at the worst time because i stopped right before the ashtray maze, and i *finally* understand why people love this game. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't played. But it was super fucking cool. The game also just generally is pretty, which i appreciate. The quarry reminds me of the Xen from Half Life: ![]( The stars in the sky i love too. I'm a sucker for anything space so i was happy to see the stars. I also played around with the Photo Mode with Jesse. Here's one i got of her pulling the switch: ![]( I spent so long trying to time it right, i'm really happy with how it turned out.

The bots were what initially caused me to stop playing years ago. As much as i’d like to get back into it now though, i let the game dominate my life whenever i play regularly. Not to the point where it was a problem, but i can’t afford to sink that much time into it with my current lifestyle.

I run into the same problems. Basically anything besides 2fort there’s a bit of a queue for or just low player count

Today's game is Team Fortress 2. This one's going to be a bit short, due to just not being able to get many screenshots for it. For years it's been an annual tradition of mine to play this game on Christmas Eve. Though I've stopped playing it for a while, it's fun to go and kick back in some matches and mess around, even with the communities unique qualities sometimes. This time i dragged a friend along for this year and we played a few swissmas maps and made our way over to 2fort to mess around. I spent the entire session messing around with my friend and whoever i could drag into dancing with me. After that i jumped around as soldier and used the equalizer taunt to take out some snipers i snuck behind for fun. Then me and my friend i dragged along got into a feud and spent a good while trying to kill each other after autobalance swapped our teams. After that i played some Demoman and messed around with my friend in the Intelligence room before deciding to get off for the night early.

Me and my friend played Red Dead Online today. We did a bounty where we captured a cult leader. It was really difficult for a 1-star because the guy had a suit of armor and a shotgun. We had to tire him out first before we could beat him. The guy also had a set of armed guards with bows and Hatchets which were a pain because they could one shot us. There were a few exceptions, like how I got sniped by this old lady on horseback for example: ![]( After about 45 minutes of struggling though we finally got him to Annesburg, which looked really pretty in the night light: ![]( After that i played a game of Poker in Black Water after going there to get in a shootout (the bank is such a fun place to hide on top of during a shootout) and then played a poker game in the saloon, before heading to Emerald Ranch for a quick ride before signing off for the night. I also finished up Arkham Asylum for anyone interested in that. I cleared all the Riddler Trophies and the story. Right now i'm going through all the challenge maps to get 100% but those honestly shouldn't take very long so i don't expect them to show up as a Screenshot

I played some more Arkham Asylum today and knocked out a decent chunk of the game. I hopefully plan to finish it tomorrow with how far i got. I got this fun screenshot of the scarecrow section right as he got blasted in the face. I also got up to the top of this tower in Arkham north. I'm not sure if i'm supposed to be up here or not but i had to climb the clock tower and glide all the way over to reach it. It's an interesting place because there's *nothing* up here. ![]( I also made it through croc's layer. Which is still just as terrifying as i remember. I thought i got a screenshot but must not have, but the section is terrifying. Especially with how his charge distance shortens towards the end. Tomorrow i want to finish up the game and maybe clear the medal achievements too so i can 100% it and show it off with the others.

This game is Arkham Asylum. I picked it up during the steam sale, and i had Red Dead 2 installing to pay online. I didn't plan far enough ahead though for it to be done tonight (it was going to take nearly 5 hours and my Steam Deck's recent issues has me afraid to finish up Silent Hill 2 until i figure out the issue with the power button), so i installed Arkham Asylum. It's on my Bucket List to 100% and it's a short game. So i figured why not boot it up and play some. I made it all the way to the Batcave before stopping for tonight. To my surprise the game ran at a stable 30 FPS at 1440p on my Steam Deck, which i was shocked by. The game honestly looks really good at high resolutions, though it still shows it's age. Especially in the textures. One such way this is supported i feel like is the scarecrow hallway ![]( The lighting is really well done here. It got me to try and figure out the FRAMED. Community walkthrough for Arkham Asylum because i'd love to get proper photos of the Asylum. On the subject of Scarecrow i wanted to talk about the damn scarecrow segment. I've played this a few times and *every* single time it scares the shit out of me. Especially the bit where he's peeking around the corners of a narrow wall back and forth and you have to sprint across. This also brings me to the morgue. I didn't expect to be complimenting a morgue but the lighting is really well done in here too: ![]( Overall it's a really pretty game that excels at being scary. Though City and Origins are my favorite. I can definitely see why this one has captured so many people's hearts

I picked up Payday 2 for me and a few of my friends for the winter sale. It was only about $2.99 and i've heard good things about it. Me and one of my friends decided to boot it up ahead of the others. We know nothing about the game so figured having half of us have some semblance of an idea of what to do so we can guide the others would be a good idea. The screenshot is from my friend's no Mercy loadout. He picked something only a "professional thief" would pick. This is what he chose. We ended up fucking up the stealth and having to fight our way through the equivalent of an army just to get to patient 0. I loved the detail of the virus worsening over time. It was really seeing a piece of Left 4 dead like that in the game, even if it's not cannon. We also did the bank heist. I bought a silencer for my pistol so i went on ahead on the roof. There was a guard who patrolled the rooftop, so i crouched and waited to take him out where no one would see. My plan was to shoot him before he walked into the camera's view. I spent a long time waiting. ![]( Overall the game was a lot of fun. I'm excited to walk my other friends through how to play so we hopefully have a full party. Maybe then stealth will be easier so we can split resources and communicate better.

During the winter sale today i picked up State of Decay 2 for me and my friend, so that's the game for today. From what i understand the multiplayer is frowned upon due to the tether, but it was a lot fun for us to play together regardless. I really like how this game does it's "story" too. The way it's very dynamic is fun and allows for you to have a original story every go around in my opinion. When starting, I took some survivors after skipping the tutorial. Right now is my favorite is Gerald: ![]( I like his jaw. I'm a bit disappointed none of my Xbox saves transferred over, but i'll live. I went ahead and cleared out three plague hearts while i was at it and moved my base. I appointed Gerald as the leader after helping out two other factions and then went and moved bases. Me and my friend had to hike back after a supply run because the car ran out of fuel. On the way back we ran we ran into a tank and had to fight it with only a few rounds and a melee weapon. We managed to beat it with a sick ass animation when it got downed And then got home with the building supplies and built some barracks.

Today's game is minecraft. I played some more with my friends on the Cobblemon server. When they weren't looking i snuck off and found the stronghold. Unluckily the *entire* thing was empty, so i plopped in the two Eyes of Ender i had and went home. I found one ender pearl on my way home, but i need to gather 9 more. Interestingly the Stronghold was kind of ripped apart and i got out in this cool mushroom cavern thing added by a mod in the modpack. It's probably Oh the Biomes you'll go that adds it but i'm not sure. ![]( It almost makes me wish i had shaders because i'd love to see how this looks with them. The blue glow would look pretty i imagine. On my way home i saw 4 polar bears in a row. There's not much too this one. I just thought it was funny seeing 4 of them in a row: ![]( After i got home i worked some more on my base. I didn't get screenshots but i have this awesome perimeter wall going around it. I spend a good 30 minutes building it. I eventually want to build a second one and expand that out more so i have a large courtyard area. Maybe to put a ranch to watch my Pokemon.

Zomboid build 42 released today and i decided to give it a try. My character is Darren Floyd. He's a young 20 something Night Guard for the Knoxville Mall. I spawned in a house and made my way into town on foot, eventually making it to the Gas Station in the screenshot. I ended up clearing it out and making my base in there. ![]( I also went down to the Basement of the Gas Station and checked it out. I found a lead pipe down there i took to replace my Baseball Bat and then sat on the stairs eating canned peaches. The game added a ton of Ambience which i love as it adds to the feel of the game. There's wind wipping around and i'm pretty sure zombies make ambient noises. Doors swing open and the lighting has been expertly redone. While exploring the gas station i had to go into a dark hallway and used a lighter to see. ![]( The way the lighter lit up the area raised tensions in an exciting way, as i didn't know what was down the hallway. For all i know there could be 10 zombies and i'd only be able to tell when i got close. Luckily there was only one though. After taking him out back using the new dragging mechanic, i buried him and took his ID. I've started keeping a collection of IDs. I feel like it's something Darren would do to try and cope with it. After that though it crashed, which is to be expected for an Unstable build. So i ended up stopping there.

Today's game is Red Dead Online. I had a *bunch* of screenshots but Rockstar makes it annoying to get ahold of them. So i had to supplement for some clips i took instead. Lately i've been wanting to play RDO, as December is one of my favorite times to play this game because the entire map is covered in Snow. Me and a friend got on and took a ride all the way up to Ambarino. After messing around at the waterfall for a bit (see exhibit A) ![]( We rode up to Saint Denis. I would like to say i got some really pretty screenshots of the city, but Rockstar's Social Club compresses the camera photos to hell and back. So instead here's a clip of me trying to climb some scaffolding in the city and falling to my death: ![]( After that we went to Valentine and got into a Shootout with the cops. Here's a Screenshot from outside the Saloon after i discovered how to obtain Molotov Cocktails and Dynamite. I try to avoid involving other players unless they join in, so no one else was shot at (or in town really for that matter). I know that's like the whole antithesis of a wild west outlaw-like game like this, but i try to treat other players how i would want to be treated. so i try to avoid actively picking a fight. After that we went to Annesburg to hang my Friend's Horse for crimes against us during the shootout: ![]( As it turns out. It is **very** hard to get a horse in the Gallows. After that we chose to sign off, as my collision was doing some wacky stuff and it was late anyways.

Silent Hill2 kept crashing, which is a shame because i planned to be almost done today. So instead i picked up Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb which i got from a Humble Bundle that i bought for a bunch of Lego Games. I didn't play much after i got a bug in the first level where i got caught on some collision. ![]( I will say, it got a laugh out of me. But after having Silent Hill 2 Crash my Steam Deck my mood for video games was pretty soured. Still, i have to say for the bugs and the graphical glitches. It's quite a pretty game. The water graphics are a personal 8/10 and honestly it looks really pretty. ![]( I also got the experience of making Indy wield a Shovel as a weapon which was fun. Something about a man known for his whip and rarely pistol using a shovel to beat the crap out of people is funny to me. I also had one more bug i noticed, which was Indy's hat vanishes on the Pause Menu. ![](

Today's game is Silent Hill 2. I finally decided to get back to it since i had a full day to myself and i ran out of Nyquill to treat my fever, so sleep wasn't an option. I took this screenshot over the bridge right before the garden. I also got this fun shot of the prison right before jumping in: ![]( The angle took a lot of setup due to the way i had it orientated inverting the controls. I really like how it turned out though. It's really cool. And finally, there was this one of the Otherworld Town. I love how the town looks at night, the game went above and beyond with the details. The puddles are perfect, and the lights look so realistic. ![]( I stopped at the prison because I had finally gotten ahold of some Nyquill, but i'm glad to have gotten some shots. Especially the main one. I really like how that turned out. Here's a final picture i want to share of the pit i took for fun: ![](

Today i decided to take it easy now that my Week is starting to lay off. I decided to Celebrate both 150 days and All my Finals finishing up, by playing a game important to me. I ended up playing Super Mario 64. I have very fond memories of playing this on the Wii with the virtual console. The lagoon specifically seen in this image used to terrify me. When i was younger i guess i didn't understand where the water ended so it looked like a endless plane of water. I was terrified something was out there in the water. Swimming in it was a scar experience. I also have really vivid memories of the Grate nearby purely because i spent so much time here: ![]( Another fond Memory of this game i have is King Bombomb. Something about his boss fight is so memorable to me. I don't know if it's because it's simple but fun, or just that i've played it so many times. I wouldn't mind if he came back in a new Mario game though like with Whomp's Fortress in Galaxy 2 ![]( If you notice the icons on the bottom left, that's emuchievments from decky. I wanted to try and get an achievement with it, so i did one where i have to walk to the top of the mountain. I ended up clipping it because something about it stood out to me. I think it's surreal to see mario walking around when usually he's jumping. ![]( I only ended up doing Bombomb battlefield, but i cleared all Stars Except the 100 coin one

I may have just missed the news on this, but i guess Assassins creed and presumably other Ubisoft games are getting Steam Achievements now?
I woke up this morning and found that Assassin's Creed Unity, Black Flag, and Syndicate all have steam achievements ![]( I don't know about anyone else, but i'm excited. Black Flag and Unity are some of my Favorite games of All time and i'd always wanted to 100% them, but not being able to showcase it has made it a bit hard to find the motivation. What do other people think?

Today's game is Cobblemon. I kept playing on the server my friends put together. Oddly enough I had a bug where my Dugtrio got cloned (seen above). The duplicate is still currently there. I guess it's part of the landscape now. I also had this incredibly close call in the nether, where i walked off a cliff and just barley was saved by this gemstone outcrop from Oh the Biomes you'll go ![]( On the return trip back from the Nether i caught a Dewgong which looks really fucking dorky. ![]( In more fun news, i dug out some more of my quarry. Now i have a Iron Level and a Diamond level to my Pinwheel Mine, each covering a 100 m^2^ area. Every once and a while I'll have a friend pop in and they'll be astonished at how much i've dug, which is fun.

Today's game is Oxygen Not Included. Every once and a while i'll hop into this game and just build a colony. Usually they go to shit real fast though. This one i decided to try scheduling my duplicates, so i have them split between night shifts and day shifts equally. If you'll look to the right of the image, you'll see the Piss Pit. That's where i have them dump all the dirty water until i get something to clean it. I also have them constructing a cafeteria for them to eat in. I figured they probably need one, and especially a kitchen to produce food in. I want to get a farm started too feed them better food. I also have a "warehouse" built to the left. And by Warehouse i mean like 8 Storage containers i'm too lazy to organize. The first one is algae though so they can get to it in an emergency. I've also built a generator room, with two beds under it. that's where the generator staff sleeps, so it's harder for the power to go out. If the power goes out then everything goes bad real fast and i don't want my little guys dying. Here's an extra picture of an older colony that my friends have taken to calling the Mess, because it's such a jumbled mess of wires, pipes, vents, and beds. ![](

Today's game is Silent Hill 2 Remake. After the crisis with the Steam Deck I seemed to have saved it. I need to look more into how to solve my problem but I suspect it's a physical issue with the power button. Right now I have to unplug the battery if the Steam Deck shuts down in order to get it to turn on which is far from ideal or safe. I went ahead and made my way through the Otherworld Southvale and went back to the Diner for an echo. This screenshot was taken of the Jukebox. I like this moment because I feel like it's the first real glimpse you get behind the Curtain once James starts to realize what's going on. I also got some more fun street photograph: ![]( ![]( The streets of Silent Hill are so much fun to photograph. There's like 30 more I didn't upload to share just because I couldn't pick a favorite. So I limited myself to two. I ended up calling my Gaming Session short today though because I need to prepare for some upcoming things and my Steam Deck deserves a rest after it's close encounter with Death yesterday lol. I'm going to try Rubbing Alcohol and reseating the power button to see if that helps whatsoever. We'll see though, I'm hoping it's not the Actual button on the Mobo because that would be hell to repair. If it is I hope I can figure out an alternative because I *really* don't want to replace that button.

Today's game is Pokemon Platinum. My steam deck decided today was a lovely day to have a stroke and crash so hard the power button won't respond. Seeing as how I had a whole day with nothing to do and with me being in a Pokemon mood the last few days, I elected to play Platinum to get a Sinnoh dex to add to my Unova Dex. This screenshot was taken south of Sandgem town on the coast. I love this game's entire region as it has that lovely Moody feel winter has with the snow everywhere. I also love how the region is split in too and you need to pass through the mountains to get to one side too the other. It's the same feel as that scene in the LoTR films with Caradhras. ![my party passing through Mount Coronet]( >My party passing through Mount Coronet I've so far caught 4 Pokemon for my party. ![]( as you can see, so far on Dillon II remains standing after the first route. This is because Dillon II is better than Dillon. Dillon II will not fail me like Dillon did because Dillon II is better in every conceivable way and carried the entire time with just Tackle. I also called my starter Harold and the Bird Steven.

Today's game is Cobblemon/Minecraft(?). I got invited by some friends to play with them on a server they set up, and immediately took off like it was a contest. Currently i've got a Munchlax (soon to be a Snorlax) named Uncle Tony, a Meowscarada, Buizel, Primeape, Jolteon, and a Lopunny. Most of them are just temporary placeholders i snagged on the go (Uncle Tony is going to stay for sure though as he's iconic). The screenshot is of Uncle Tony on the Stairs of a 100*100 Pinwheel Mine i setup at diamond level. I have a running theme of doing different castle/fort types for my bases, and after doing a Series of Trench fortifications last time i played with these friends (we had ice and fire which made them **very** warranted), i decided to try the one Castle type i haven't touched so far, which is a Japanese style castle. I'm still doing research into them because i love to make them as authentic as possible, but this is what i have so far: ![]( I used Macaw's paper sliding doors, but i plan to swap those out at some point as they just don't look right when compared to any proper castles as far as i can tell. Right now they're just a placeholder for when i get in and out (and so my friends will stop complaining about my lack of doors). There's also a lower perimeter wall thing i'm trying to find the proper name for just below this level, along with a moat. I also want to get my hands on some different blocks as the current blocks i have don't look authentic. I plan to look into what kind of materials that are usually used in order to make it more in-line with the real deal, hopefully. I also got this creepy ass photo of a Endermen with a Pokemon Resource pack i got that makes him look like Gonzo's Tall Purple cousin. I think it's supposed to be a Haunter?: ![](

Today's game is Silent Hill 2 Remake. I had a whole post typed but accidentally closed the tab before submitting. I finally finished the Hospital after two days of putting it off. I'm hoping the prison will be swift and painless because that part is terrifying with the large open ceilings, even with the Chainsaw. I like making the screenshots much more of a display with the Photo mode mod. It really showcases the beauty of a game like this i feel like. For example: Exhibit A. ![]( I love how the Tiles here reflect the light back. This is almost exactly how IRL tiles would. Maybe this is a lot less impressive to me due to being used to low-spec gaming, but i love it. There's also this one that really looks realistic imo. Something about the lighting sells it: ![]( Finally, there's one of my favorite picture types to take, pyramid head pictures. Here's one of the Big Guy himself with his Big Ass Spear: ![Pyramid Daddy and his big Spear](

Today's game is Mario Kart 64. I wanted to kick back today, so i booted this up and drove a race in Toad's Turnpike. I wanted to get some more progress in on SH2 before the motivation i have burns out, but oh well. Worst case scenario i shelve it and pick it up sometime later. I have fond memories of playing this against my sister on the N64. We'd always play on either Koopa Troopa Beach (the race was always decided by who could make the shortcut jump with that ramp) or Sherbet Land, though my personal favorites are Rainbow Road, Toad's Turnpike, and Wario Stadium (which i'm upset we haven't seen a return of). All the courses in this game are amazing though. there's not a single one that i don't like. We'd use this game to settle so many bets. I still have the original cartridge (though i emulated it here). It's a Hand me down along with the N64 itself, the cartridges for Super Mario 64 (My favorite 3d Mario), Golden Eye, Mission Impossible, and Snowboard kids. So they're all a bit like Family Heirlooms. I'd always play Toad (i thought/think the way he sounds in Mario Kart 64 is fucking hilarious for some reason) and My Sister would play Yoshi. Ironically enough when playing Solo Yoshi is the one that gives me the most trouble, so ig the old sibling rivalry has stuck around. ![]( I ended up getting second place, which isn't bad considering i don't play Mario Kart often and wasn't really trying to be competitive. I clipped the whole race and uploaded it. It's a bit crunchy (this motivated me to look into peertube) but i'm having fun sharing clips from things i do. You can tell i'm a bit rusty at Mario Kart lol ![](

I had another day where i just kind of Wanted to take things easy, so i booted up minecraft Wii U edition after discovering i had a ROM backup on my external SSD. So i fired it up in Cemu along with the latest version and booted into a survival world how i would when i was younger. Easy mode, bonus chest, and the Gamma cranked *way* up to max. If i *really* wanted to be true to when i was younger i would have played Xbox 360 edition and played a older version, but sadly none of those were accessible to me, so i played with what i had on hand. ![]( I ended up building this cozy little shack to live in, then i went on the hunt for sheep and found my 3 victims. Returning home with the wool in hand i got nice nights rest in my bed. Not before watching the sunset though. ![]( ![]( After that i went to harvest some cobblestone and gave my house a nice little cobble trim: ![]( It was by this point i realized i had committed the terrible crime of forgetting to open my map. So i did that ![]( ![]( By this point it started getting late for me, so i decided i wanted to get some iron before logging off. I set off towards the hills, I entered my first cave and ran into my first mob: ![]( It blew up in my face, but shortly after i managed to return home with my iron, before logging off.

Today's game is Silent Hill 2. Today's post is going to be short due to not having much time today, but i managed to finish the Hospital today. Now that i know everything about it, it was *way* faster. I'm hoping to make just as quick of time on the Otherworld hospital. The audio machine in the picture scared the shit out of me when i went back to get a photo i missed in my first playthrough. I hadn't got it in my first playthrough, so i had no clue it would start making static when i went by it. Then there was a mannequin that jumped my that i missed on my first go through the room. The chainsaw makes dealing with them easy but god, do they still terrify me. ![]( I also got this shot of the roof. There's not really any fun stories behind it, i just like rain and thought the roof was a pretty shot. There's a busted fence up there of no real importance and idk what it is, but it + the rain gives me Resident Evil 2 remake vibes.