What is the actual quality of the game?
Did you know about this game? Did you buy and play this game? Did you actually like this game?
Are you one of the ~220 people who bought this game and didn’t spread the word to their friends.
It sounds to me like this game sucks. Maybe it was rotten from the start. Maybe they were forced to hire a bunch of mentally ill people with a massive chip on their shoulder to ‘advise’ and change the game to tick some boxes on a list. ( don’t you just love having fun according to a list of prescribed requirements? ) I bet the people working on it like that. Talk about a soul sucking job without passion. We will probably never know the truth.
I know of a better one. https://youtu.be/jcAbYczBgsU
Two months ago. They added more to the Avernus ending. Before it was an abrupt cut to black. https://youtu.be/Mwa_Tl8QoLU
… I’m pretty sure their pixel art was “heavily inspired” by Castlevania from the start. The last time I played it I noticed it started shifting away from that.