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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2024


On boardgamegeek the community says that best is 1 player. What do you think about that? (You played with 4, right?)

I think that is already a requirement? As a dev I hated that we had to make what is essentially a day one DLC, which isn’t a good look. ”Look, they lock content behind DLC, which they already have, it cost them nothing”. Players extrapolate from that to other content we release later, content we actually haven’t even designed yet. Ugh.

Well, making a season pass is crap too, but there was no way to talk the publishing department out of that.

Calcium Contract is a boomer shooter with a pretty unique rewind feature. Humorous with old school feels, but for a modern time. It’s a one man project.

Yeah, this was my first AC in a long while. Nothing outstanding, but perfectly entertaining, and exactly what I needed to scratch that more old school AC itch.

Especially with this game, where the dev and publisher have actively worked to manage expectations before early access. That it’s not at all complete yet. There were so many people super hyped, comparing it to total war and what not. So they made it clear this game is on another scale.

If it had been the other way around, if they had hyped up the game like crazy and made huge promises about the post EA launch content, then yeah, it would be a failure.
And I suppose in practice it also would’ve been a “failure” if they hadn’t managed expectations, due to the hype and the general expectation from post launch content these days… (sigh)

But what we got is exactly what was promised, so what on earth is that Hinterland guy talking about.