I hope you are using a PC running Linux to say that.
You do know that the people running Activision aren’t the ones developping the game ? Microsoft won’t be doing anything more than running the business. To be more specific, I was hoping there would be less lootbox and shit like that.
Also, I don’t know if it is the fanboyism speaking for you but taste in games in quite subjective.
I believe that’s a good and a bad thing. I mean, Microsoft can’t run this as bad as current Activition’s boss are doing it. We may see a gain in the respect Activision gives to it’s players. I think Microsoft is better than Sony to manage exclusivity and there is less hypocrisy.
On the other side … that’s a fucking big chunk of the gaming industry that goes to one player. If Microsoft wants to shit on every playstation players from now on, they will be able to do it and that’s not good.
I don’t think that’ll help Microsoft sell more console than Sony anytime soon. Most players already chose their system and the ecosystem of back catalog and all makes switching from one to another a losing situation.
Yeah, Divinity was great on consoles. Played it with my girlfriend and we had great fun.