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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


There’s also the “Unofficial Half Life 2 VR - unleashed” mod, which looks really exciting (I haven’t tried it yet).

There’s also a trailer for the mod.

edit: wordz edit 2: found a trailer

Cool, I’ll keep it on my wishlist then.

I’m releaved I’m not the only one worried that GotG might pull too much from their Avengers “formula”.

You mentioned it’s more of an RPG. Does this mean it’s more turn-based combat? Is the game long like Final Fantasy?

I’d be content having either a good story or a fun brawler/hack n’ slash… but (as I mentioned) Avengers failed on both fronts.

Thanks for the write-up and I too bought it before it was delisted (ie: paid < $7.00 for the deluxe edition)… and tbh, I felt I still paid too much.

As you mentioned that campaigns are simple, but I was surprised (and amazingly board ) by how simple the campaigns were. (disclaimer : I did only play for about 2 hours before I got board and never came back). I was hoping for some sort of brawler type game, but the enemies are few but often respawn. I was hoping for something like Shadows of War, but was greatly disappointed. The campaigns were disconnected from each other and the objectives are simply: defeat this enemy, then destroy these targets… there is no real flexible or room for thought, outside of the prepared script you need to follow until the campaign ends.

… and the controls, I found, are quite janky. I was iron man and I found that the movement never really “flowed” into each other, there was always a delay between animation… I really didn’t find it fun. It wasn’t a brawler, it really was a Pay-to-Win platform… even with all the pay gates removed.

People often mention that Guardians of the Galaxy is better… and it is on my wish list, but I’m really suspicious (I hope they improved the controls).

Thanks for the idea. I used an Xbox One controller… but I don’t recall if I was wired or not.

However, I really like the idea of slowing the game down.

Hey congrats, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bought the game from Steam and spent 2 hours struggling to get through the tutorial… which I failed.

I ended up returning the game. I still have it on my wishlist, but I’m going to wait for it to reach some epic all time low price, before I subject myself to that level of suffering (and growth) again.