I’m aware the Streisand effect is specifically regarding concealing info causing way more attention drawn to it, my point is that highlighting the fact that gamers hate Denuvo and trying to change that fact will most likely only amplify the hatred.
I will be more specific I hate any software that isn’t required for a game to work. The reason why I worded it vaguely is because I’m not just talking about DRM, but anti-cheat and launchers as well (even though launchers aren’t 3rd party).
As far as metrics are concerned I’m perfectly ok with that, as long as I have the option to opt-in or at the very least made aware of it.
What it really boils down to is I don’t want any unnecessary extraneous packages with the software that I actually want. For the most part I avoid games that add these things.
You are right that 45 is still pretty decent all things considered. My mentality on it is: if they didn’t piss off the player base with broken update after broken update AND didn’t have the PSN fiasco AND didn’t constantly nerf every decent weapon, then the player would have naturally declined but it wouldn’t have been near as fast and I think they could have landed in a top 15-30 spot instead.
Of course no one actually knows but all of my group of 8ish people playing stopped a month after we bought the game for one of the above reasons.
I’m not sure what the future holds in regards to whether they will try to pursue this again or not, I certainly hope they won’t. This information doesn’t change anything that is going on right now.
Here is the reason I posted it, I think it will help: There were people online saying that Valve may be the ones who delisted HD2 to protect themselves legally, instead of sony being the one’s who delisted it. This is primary source evidence that it was in fact Sony who delisted it, not Valve.
We can try to draw conclusions from it and I think it is very strange that Sony hasn’t re-enabled purchasing in these countries now that the PSN requirement has dropped, companies typically try to sell products to as wide of an audience as possible.
I know that doesn’t directly answer your question but unfortunately I think only time will tell.
Up until this point I personally haven’t seen Valve or Steam make direct comments as to who exactly made this choice. I may have just missed it but I always look for something directly from the company. I also don’t have knowledge on how steam pushes changes, I think if you have intimate knowledge on that it was obvious? This is also just pulled from a post on Reddit, so it could also be 100% bullshit. To me though this was the first thing I saw that allowed me to start forming an opinion to your above question, without giving Sony the benefit of the doubt. I hate to give that to Sony because I hate what Sony did, but for arguments sake I personally don’t ignore things like that.
These are my reasons for sharing.
So this article states " Sony delisted it" with no references to official announcements. I personally have been waiting on something directly from steam or Sony and to me the steam response satisfies this enough.
That’s why I posted this I’ve seen all these articles state this with no references to any word from steam or sony. This is the first crumb of info I’ve seen direct from the source.
The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.
So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.
It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.
Yeah I’ve not seen them address the delisting anywhere yet, if you have a link or anything please add it I’m trying to stay as updated as possible on this.
Edit: I also edited the first line, I had written “this” originally and I replaced it with “the delisting” because I can see how it was a little ambiguous before.
To be fair there is a lot of speculation that the delisting is actually entirely from steam’s side not sony or arrowhead. Nothing is confirmed of course but the thought is that steam is throwing the kill switch on selling in these countries right now because obviously the publisher hadn’t thought this out and just straight up doesn’t have a plan for it. Valve may be doing this to put extra pressure on the situation drying up sales a little prematurely and more importantly to protect Valve from legal repercussions. Again this is entirely speculation but it makes a lot of sense, Arrowhead and Sony have been pretty quiet.
Never heard of it, how is this distro for new users? I run mint for reference, but I’m always trying to learn about other distros.