Finnish oddovert

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Btw update for anyone stumbling upon this: I could not get any of the (unrooted) options working, so sadly I had to resort to the old fashioned “speaker phone call and digital recorder” -method.

Still, I thank you everyone for your suggestions and hopefully future Android versions can get this functionality back.

Thank you kindly, I’ll be sure to check it out!

Thanks a lot for the tip, I’ll look into it! Seems promicing.

Sadly I’m guessing that I wont get to root that work phone, but thanks for the recommendation in case I decide to root my own!

Good call recording app for Android?
Hi people, I was wondering if anyone of you knew a good call recording app for Android? I'm starting soon a new job and it involves a lot of interviewing, and I was thinking of recording these phone interviews for note taking. My company doesnt provide software for it, just a work phone. It's (presumably) running Android 12 or similar. Some preliminary googling revealed that there maybe are some apps for it after the 22' Google's policy change, but I'm not sure what to trust. If you have any knoweledge on this issue I would greatly appreciate any nuggets of info! I'm located in the EU/Nordics, if thats relevant.