Yeah I played so much pre 1.0 but never really got around to it after release. I knew how much I would be addicted if I really got into it again so I never really got around to it. I really need to get some time to try the base game as released before doing this expansion. But man, I really want to.
I was thinking that as I played, too. I was joyful.
So many games these days are so heavy it’s so refreshing to have a game that’s happy as hell. I love RE2s and Elden Rings but effff they’re stressful/hard and sometimes feel like work. It is so refreshing to punch out a giant gorilla with my rocket dog friend while there’s some upbeat music playing.
Also who doesn’t love some great Halloween stages?
Finally Alf-Life 2. I was going we’d get a sequel for our cat eating alien roommate.