How easy is it to transfer a file from one device to the other? For example, let’s say you had to transfer photos, a pdf, an epub, and a video file. How easy is that?
And then do you think it’s going to be much easier when USB-C comes out so I can use a flash drive to do all the work?
Do you use Apple News at all?
Do you carry both on your person or does one go in the bag.
I think that covers most of my curiosities.
Edit: Also thanks for answering politely!
Outside of the popular streaming apps, I’ve found streaming apps to be a lot better and less buggy on Apple devices.
Waze has some of its functionality taken away on Android Auto.
And since I’ll be uninstalling the phone app on my Pixel, I was going to use the Phone and Messages app for regular texting, that’s a preferential thing. I’d use Signal but it doesn’t do SMS anymore.
This is an old thread, but I thought I’d give my thoughts.
I absolutely love the Android Open Source Project. The amount of things you can do with Android are spectacular. Pixels especially are wonderful devices.
However, it’s come to my attention that I think iPhones make better “Phones” than any other device.
Apple is in a unique position of having fast and sleek operating systems and software, and wonderful integration.
Homestly if you’re not running privacy focused stuff, like your own homeserver, or a custom OS, or anything. Apple is the best for your privacy.
The reason I believe this is due to their implementation of their Apple TV Box. Google’s TV stuff is designed first and foremost to give you advertisements, even on the home screen, and Apple does no such thing. Needless to say, I switched TV Boxes. Upon researching what Apple does with your data, I’m becoming convinced that the Apple ecosystem has become a better option for consumerist services, like social media, news, streaming, and banking.
It’s not enough to make me get rid of my Android Pixel, but I’ve been heavily considering getting an iPhone, iPad, Watch, Mac Mini.
Powerful math tools, diagnostic tools, chatroom apps, forum apps, Signal, games, emulation, privacy tools, all mostly open source software, they’d all go on an Android Pixel running a custom OS still.