that which is false is merely a refraction of truth

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2024


I guess I don’t feel limited because I already have an epic account, which was free to create

what is the problem with epic? I like the weekly free games

what shocks me is that nintendo never made some new pokemon games in their old GBA or DS style. it would be perfectly suited to phone limitations and expectations and there is a huge potential market for that style of game.

Tip: You can share your library with someone by giving them your account sign in information, having them download what they want to play, and then having them turn their device’s internet off. This will allow you to continue using your account as normal, and your friend will be able to play the games they downloaded at any time as long as steam is not allowed to connect to the internet. If it is connected, they can play the games as long as you are not playing something on a different device.

*Only share your account info with someone you absolutely trust. It’s always a risk to share credentials but use your best judgement.

yeah I decided I didn’t want to get involved in this and deleted that comment over an hour ago. idk why you can still see it but I’m out ✌️