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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024


Great game. It reminds me of Warcraft 3, but without having enemy armies destroy my base - I was never good at the fighting but enjoyed base building so this is just in my wheel house. And it’s great that you can use multiple strategies to win. I’m more into satisfying everyones needs as opposed to exploration based run. You?

I loved the first game, but didn’t try the second one yet. I don’t really know what I’m waiting for 😀

Looks like some crazy trippy stuff. Graphics seem pretty nice, but who knows what will the actual gameplay look like

Good to hear! That guy made some of the best video game music ever. Just Super Mario and Ocarina of Time should be enough. Also, it’s really fun to play his music on a piano, although it’s always pretty hard at first 😅

I really like the flashing police horses. The game looks fun, can’t wait to try it out.

Not at all. I played DF (with sprites) and had a great time. The graphics are not fantastic, but are not unappealing either. I know a lot of people loved the ASCII, but personally I’m not into that.

I’d argue that Minecraft and Stardew Valley do visually look good. Looking good doesn’t mean that it has to look like a AAA game with realistic graphics. Very old games like Super Mario Bros 3 look great even today. Pixel art games if done with care look fantastic. What I didn’t like about this game when looking at the trailer on Steam is that the world looks barren - specifically, look at the 35s mark on their Steam video. I see that there are some other visually appealing scenes in the trailer, but some scenes just look unfinished. I agree I was a bit harsh, but the couple of close-ups in the trailer left a really bad impression on me.

I like the concept, but visually it looks pretty crude. Somehow I think if devs didn’t care enough to make the game look good (it doesn’t have to look fantastic), then I’m pretty sure the gameplay isn’t all that impressive either.

It’s 100% on purpose. I wished they payed artists to create something new, not to recreate an existing very popular game. On the other hand, I’m intrigued with coop and the possession mechanic so it might be fun. But who knows if it’s a good coop or a frustrating Mario-like coop where the game is actually harder because you keep bumping into each other and fall into a pit as a result.

Great, thanks for the info. I’ll give it a go at some point :)

Wow, it never occurred to me to try that approach. I always focus first on the food and mostly don’t even get to building tools, and I find the game really fun and challenging. It’s great that you can take so different approaches and still enjoy the game. I’ll surely try it out your way, thanks.

Damn, I don’t know what to think about that. I’ve got an urge to stack them so they take up less space, so I liked when the game made me care about the residential area and creating roads through it.

Ravenswatch is a really fun roguelike that’s great solo, but the multiplayer is also really fun. Every character gives you a totally unique gameplay so it doesn’t get boring with time. I’m really excited to see what the game will look like when it’s released, but for an early access game it’s great and doesn’t suffer from lack of content because it’s challenging and has a nice variety of enemies so if somebody is on the fence about it, I recommend trying it out.

How does it compare with the original Forest? I liked that game, but after you explore all of the caves there’s not much to do. Building is fun, but I think some stronger enemies were needed.

I really like that you have to take into account what your villagers like and build the city around their needs. It makes choosing the type of buildings exciting every run. And then making sure that the production is fast enough so that the needs are satisfied.

I didn’t play the games you mention so I don’t know what do you enjoy about them, but for me this game was a fantastic surprise. It somehow gives me the old Warcraft III vibe, without the “building an army” part that I didn’t enjoy and was never good at.

I remember they changed at some point that people would go rest in their house. Did they revert it back so that the resting is done at the heart again? Does that mean I can just stack houses and not care if there are roads connecting them or if they are even accessible?

Ok, that’s a good point. I’m glad you enjoy that part of the game. I wasn’t really interested in “talking” to NPC-s and giving them gifts so I skipped that part of the game and certainly missed what some people like the most about it. As I said, not my cup of tea.

For me it was fun for like 5 hours, but I was massively let down after that. The combat is pretty basic so that got boring quickly, and the new maps pretty much didn’t have anything new except new vegetables and enemies with new skins. You learn everything you need to know about the game in the first couple of hours and after that there’s no challenge and no real reason to keep making money which makes the grinding pointless. It’s a good casual game if you like decorating the farm but it’s not my cup of tea.

Many people love Stardew Valley so I gave it a go. It was fun for a couple of hours, but it doesn’t really have any depth. But you can go to the tavern and hop on an arcade machine with a really fun minimalist twin-stick shooter called Journey of the Prairie King that’s actually pretty great. It’s fast paced and unforgiving, and I spent more time playing that than on actual farming and what not.