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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 02, 2023


Our only options were to remove the extension or manage it.

The best option is of course to install another browser and remove chrome.

Does this attack scale linearly with key size?

Using the D-Wave Advantage, we successfully factored a 22-bit RSA integer, demonstrating the potential for quantum machines to tackle cryptographic problems

That attack is a threat only if it scale better than existing attacks.

NOYB has the right to send a complaint if it think a company infringe upon right to privacy. Mozilla isn’t entitled to special treatment or special notice before filling a complaint.

Mozilla should have expected this. They claim to defend users privacy so they should understand why consent for data collection is important. Also there was public outcry and criticism of opt-out, and yet they haven’t backed down.

If Mozilla resolve these issues, NOYB could ask for the complaint to be dropped. I hope they do resolve this, and do drop the complaint.

Scientists don’t have to explain why they’re leaving twitter. The reasons should be obvious to anyone familiar with Twitter.

Journalists need to explain why they’re still on Twitter, given that platform has so much bots, trolls, hate and lack moderation.

Buy a used copy of GTA 2 from someone who purchased it legally.

Good luck finding one.

Having a backup at a cloud provider is fine, as long as there is at least one other backup that isn’t with this provider.

Cloud provider seems to do a good job protecting against hardware failure, but can do poorly with arbitrary account bans, and sometimes have mishaps due to configuration problems.

Whereas a DIY backup solution is often more subject to hardware problems (disk failure, fire, flooding, theft, …), but there’s no risk of account problem.

A mix is fine to protect against different kind of issues.

That would indeed be a good backup strategy, but better be specific. “Offsite” may be interpreted in different ways.

They had backups at multiple locations, and lost data at multiple (Google Cloud) locations because of the account deletion.

They restored from backups stored at another provider. It may have been more devastating if they relied exclusively on google for backups. So having an “offsite backup” isn’t enough in some cases, that offsite location need to be at a different provider.