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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


Look you say “X user” and im thinking X11 Windowing system. Stop trying to make X happen.

Larian has always been “based” ever since Divine Divinity ages ago.

“I can move shit with my freaking MIND” is the Dean Cain of video game dialog lol

I’m probably gonna and I tried Myst remake when it was on gamepass and still ended in a dead end just like I did back in the early days of CD-ROM.

But man they have some atmosphere tho.

Might and Magic X I think which I bought real cheap but didn’t get to it yet cuz… it’s on Uplay and I sometimes forget what’s on it.

Yeah when I hear about mUh pHySiCaL games I smell a console user. PC hasn’t had physical in over a decade. Unless you like Hidden Object games.

No, our defense isn’t physical it’s just DRM free cracking or a GOG library.

I’ll give em credit: they tried something new. FPS and even boomer shooter genre has gotten stale lately and Doom 16 was their “back to roots” release. A Doom 16-2 wouldn’t have done so well.

I enjoyed it, but at the same time this isn’t exactly the next evolution of the FPS, more of a side branch that needed exploring.

Wouldn’t have found half the shit without the Final Fantasy 7 or 10 strategy guide.