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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah, I think if you pay attention you can do it in a single playthrough, I went through blind the first time and didn’t start paying attention to guides until post game, so I’d missed a couple side quests and trophies. And then even paying attention on NG+ I missed one, so here I am at three playthroughs waiting for DLC.

What are you even talking about, do you understand the concept of new game plus? I cleared all content in a single playthrough at RL150 after 100 hours, NG+ is required to get all endings and platinum the game just like most RPGs.

Idk what you’re on about, I platinum’d the game and I’m only RL200 in NG+3. RL200 is enough for a decently strong (but not OP at NG+3) battle mage class. I stopped leveling after hitting 200 at the end of my NG+2 playthrough and plan to play the DLC after NG+3 at the same RL.

It’s not too much to ask that a Soulsborne enthusiast who’s replayed the game multiple times and put in over 150hrs just decide when enough is enough regarding leveling. It’s been that way since Demon Souls. It’s an intentional part of the game design.

Why would you expect the game “scale” and retain its difficulty when you are 99 in every single stat? That’s ridiculous.

I think this one was level streaming related. It only happened during traversal (mostly) and was severe, plenty of YT videos showing it.

It disappeared entirely once I upgraded to a 3D V-Cache chip (5600x -> 5800x3d).