• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


The way I see it they make an amazing single player game and then use the multiplayer to fund the next one.

I never finished the last GTA but RDR2 was absolutely amazing and didn’t need any dlc or expansions imo.

The tweet you linked to is just a gif of the kool aid man they tweeted. Did they alter the tweet?? Wtf

Honestly wasn’t super hyped before but this looks good! I almost forgot how good Persona 3 music was.

I quit playing it after a bit. Can you give me some of the reasons that keep you playing?

Been playing wrath of the righteous and Ghost Of Tsushima

They better not! Physical games are my preference. But honestly you can’t play games offline anymore anyways, you always need at least the day 1 patch and for some games 20 patches after that.

It’s really kind of ridiculous we’re all against DRM but then it’s kind of already a thing

I would disagree, as someone who didn’t grow up with Nintendo and very recently got a switch. The games have a very distinct feel and artstyle that isn’t very common. They also have great scores and are generally quality games.

Anyone else pretty hyped for Baldur's Fate 3?

Bleh another remake looks like this is the trend of the time we’re living in.