I’m interested in aviation and design/tech in general. I like playing games like Minecraft, Mc’Craft and MC. Sometimes i make videos with my friends or do photography. Lemmy old: [email protected]

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 18, 2024


Didn’t know that was happening. I would try that, if i wasn’t trying to keep my phone alive already since the start of the year.

I live in Slovenia, so no. I saw that it was available in Austria, but they don’t offer shipping to other countries, sadly.

(edit) Nevermind, they do ship to Slovenia, thanks. (Didn’t look properly cuz they didn’t have the 128GB version in stock)

(edit edit) I am actually searching for the Android version. Still thanks.

Searching for a fairphone alternative
So I was intending t buy myself a fairphone 4 for a long time now, but it got disontinued recently. I wouldn't buy the new fairphone 5 as it is a little bit expensive. Are there any good alternatives you guys recommend?