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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Workers rights absolutely. Pay your human workers even while using ai to make a great product. AI didn’t do anything to me, it’s how the companies decide to use it.

I played the whole thing on ps5, did about 90 hours. It’s good now. Especially the mantis blades that come out of your arms and the quick hacks that let you control the cameras then hack all the guards so they shoot themselves or fry their implants. I did a ninja hacker build. Totally op but it was still fun. And I’ve heard good things about the gorilla arms.

The city feels more alive on ps5, lots of people, and I never had any issues with the cars or motorcycle glitching. If you like cyberpunk stuff it’s worth it and the dlc is coming out. There are areas where you can tell where they had to pull back, like the clothing options which all suck and the body stuff which has no purpose or unless you are changing clothes. Also I didn’t like V’s voice character at first but it grew on me. The acting is good all around.

So that you think rich people have rules. Justice theater

The hard part is their business model assumes free moderation. Adding labor in any form will change the valuation because it’s based on future revenue. Now they have a lot of ‘splainin’ for investors and no one knows what the company is worth. If they have to pay for moderation it’s an entirely different business so I don’t see them suddenly cutting checks for the good mods who remained.

Looks like they underestimated the way the backlash would manifest and now have to hold their nose and wait for the subs to re-build momentum naturally.

But everyone knows not to execute your own leadership because who is going to run the day to day ops? It’ll take years just to get back to where they were in terms of quality and quantity because they nuked some of the most experienced and engaged redditors. More of a Pyrrhic victory, I’d say.